Tuesday, June 9, 2009

16 weeks

So I probably blog waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much about my baby that's not even born yet, but that's pretty much all my life consists of nowadays. That and semi-trucks. Well, today marks me being 16 weeks pregnant and to celebrate the occasion, the baby's crib arrived! My mom and dad bought it for us along with the mattress and I've just been biting my nails waiting for it to arrive. So my dad graciously volunteered to put it in his truck and take it to my house for me. I'll probably have the thing put together tonight. I can't stand waiting. Although I was planning on going to the park tonight so Brett and I could relax and we could run the Ozone generator in our room to get the smell out of our carpet. I found out last night that it's not a good idea to run that machine while you're in the house even if you close the bedroom door. Let's just say, it turned my stomach reeeeeeaaaaaal bad last night and once again (for like the millionth time during my pregnancy) I was hugging the toilet.

On a side note, we pulled up our carpet and ripped out the carpet padding and painted the floor underneath. It didn't seem to have any cat pee stains though, so I still can't figure out why our carpet smells so foul, especially since it was brand new when we bought the house. We replaced the padding with odor ban padding and hopefully once the Ozone generator does its thing, we'll have no more funky smelling carpet. Cross your fingers!


  1. maybe there is a dead cat hidden in the walls of your house...

    that's probably it.
