Monday, September 21, 2009

Free Books From Dolly

My mom took me to lunch today and we had a really great waitress that filled me in on something awesome. She asked if I had started signing up for free baby stuff yet and I said no. That's when she told me about Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and how you can sign your child up to receive a free book every month until they're 5 years old. So as soon as I got back to the office, I got on the website and looked over it for a few minutes. I guess your city or county has to have a local sponsor in order for you to be able to participate, but luckily Murfreesboro did!! I took the waitress's advice and entered a false birthdate for Carter to make it seem like he was already born. I'm not sure if it matters, but I didn't want to miss out just because he's not here yet. But anyway, it was super simple and I just had to give them my name, address, Carter's name and birthdate, and email address and then hit submit. They sent me an email saying my info. was being reviewed and then about 1 or 2 hours later I got another email that said we had been approved and Carter would receive his first book in about 6 to 9 weeks and then every month after that until he's 5!!!

So I would definitely recommend anyone with a child under 5 or those expecting mommas to check this website out. I don't know how vast this program is and seeing how I live in Dolly's home state, I may have just gotten lucky...but it's worth a shot!! You don't even have to give your phone number. That's 12 books a year you don't have to pay for yourself.

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