Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Rollover

So I was pretty sure babies were at least 3 or 4 months before they tried rolling over, but Carter dispelled that theory last night when he rolled over from tummy to back at a whopping 6 weeks old. At first I thought he may have done it by accident and was upset I didn't get it on camera, but the he kept doing it and I was able to get it on camera a couple of times. Brett and I were so excited the first time he did it that we yelled and I think we startled him. Brett called his mom right away to tell her and then we realized it was 10:30p.m. and she didn't answer, so I decided to wait until this morning to tell my parents! Should I be this excited about something so little? Well, I am! So here's the video.


  1. 'don't suffocate yourself please..'
    way to go carterboy!

  2. For real, that is impressive!!

  3. Wow! Gooner hated rolling over. She did it MUCH later than six weeks and she wasn't oh so fond of it! That is so early!
