Saturday, March 20, 2010

Should've had my camera

Last night my mom watched Carter overnight and Brett and I got a chance to relax a bit. When I got home from work at 6:00 it was still light out and the weather was amazing. Brett was already outside shooting some hoops and to my surprise the whole neighborhood wasn't over at our house like they usually are. All the little kids loooooooooooooove my husband and lately they've been flooding our driveway to shoot hoops with him, but not last night. We started shooting some hoops (I was in high heals) and we were enjoying ourselves, when I heard our neighbor's motorcycle from like a mile away. Uh oh, Craig's home, things are gonna get crazy now. He comes ripping up on his bike and parked it and headed over to our house. You just have to know this guy to understand the enjoyment he brings to our lives. He's loud, obnoxious and totally funny. He's from California originally and totally has that kind of personality. He immediately asked where his cocktail was, so I went and made him one.

Then we all started shooting hoops and the boys were getting a little crazy. I feel really bad for our next door neighbor, because Craig throws the the ball at his house as hard as he possibly can and yells "Come out and play ball!!!" It literally left white marks on the ball. When I say that we will be buying Jeremy new siding soon, Craig just says, "ah no...they're good people." Ummm, okay. Then the ball got thrown over Jeremy's fence and instead of walking around and going through the gate, Craig climbs the fence. Mind you, this guy is like 6'1" and probably 230lbs; so I'm just waiting for the fence to break. Then as he's climbing back over, he decides to start shooting hoops while on top of the fence. He kept saying, "just one more and then I'm done." Well with every shot he kept getting closer and closer to making it, so stayed up there for like 5 or 10 mins. Meanwhile, our other neighbor came home and was blasting her music and when she gets out of her car, Craig yells at her (while straddling the fence) to turn her music down when she enters the subdivision. Of course, he was just being obnoxious. But I wish I would have gotten this all on video. It doesn't seem like something worth taping, but it's the little moments like this that make me really enjoy my life. I've got great neighbors, a great husband, and a great child and I couldn't ask for anything more. When I get down on life and start wondering if it's all really worth it, this is God's answer to my question. Of course it's worth it!!!!


  1. Sooo...I just wanna know can I be on your team when we play?

  2. of course!!!! we'll be the best. oh and you'll love my neighbor Jeremy, he's a HUGE UK fan. I'm pretty sure that's where he went to school cause there is not one day that he isn't wearing something with the Wildcats on it.

  3. Awe, I'm sorry your little guy is all stuffed up! We called the pediatrician and she told us to give Gooner Bendryl, but you need to call because the dosage is based on baby weight. Anyway, she also approved LittleNoses which is a saline solution and a vaporizer. Poor little thing, allergies are NOT fun!!! Glad you stopped by my blog because I've been missing you!
