Saturday, August 7, 2010


Yes I must be insane, because I've signed myself up for Insanity. The workout program that is. I've been hearing sooooooooo much about P90X from so many of my friends, but didn't think I had the time for any workouts that last over an hour considering I work so much, so I was told about Insanity. A couple of people I know have done this program and said it's just as intense, but a little shorter and doesn't involve buying weights. So I went ahead and ordered it. I've told my husband that he has to do it with me, but considering he works outside in the 95+ degree heat all day, I doubt I will get his full commitment. I'm so on board for this, it's not even funny. My problem is that I tend to get into a workout routine for a couple months and don't see the results I want, so I quit. This program promises great results after 60 days.

I'm so ready to be in good shape again. I was a little chunky in high school and during my sophomore year of college I decided to change that. I started working out and lost 30 lbs. and was in the best shape of my life for a few years. I ran about 3 miles a day, boxed, and did weight training. I actually had a 4 pack (not quite a 6 pack, but close). Then I got married, started working full time, and quit working out. I then packed on 15 lbs.....and then I got pregnant. And as bad as I don't want to admit this, I gained like 52 lbs during my pregnancy. Out of control!!!!! So I've lost 37 of those 52 pregnancy pounds, but want to lost another 30 to get back to my slim figure.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand and when I'm working out so hard to lose the weight, I don't allow myself to eat all the junk because it's like throwing my hard work away. So if I can really commit to this Insanity program, I think I can lose the weight. Cross your fingers folks!! It'll be here in a few days. My only question you do the 60 days straight? or is it like 5 days on 2 days off, until you hit 60 days?


  1. Good for you! It's awesome, I love it. And as far as the schedule goes, there's a calendar that comes with it that tells you what to do each day. I believe there's one recovery day in each week. But honestly, I haven't been following the schedule exactly, I just kind of do what I want to each day :) ha - Also, yes, nutrition is KEY! The nutrition program with Insanity isn't too bad, though. It seems like a lot of food, but it's all good food and gives you a lot of options. If you stick with it you're going to see awesome results! Good luck!

  2. Good luck! I've heard great things about this workout. You'll have to keep everyone posted on the progress- you can do it!

  3. Ha, I am doing the 13 week running program and then I am going to do Insanity. It looks so awesome and I can't wait to do it BUT I committed to running and I'm GOING to finish! Keep us up to date and share you pictures! Before, During and After!!!!
