Monday, January 24, 2011

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

Well for those of you who don't already know via Facebook, I'm pregnant again!! Yep, I waisted no time after losing my last pregnancy to start trying again. Brett and I found out about a week before Christmas and we kept it to ourselves until Christmas day to surprise our families with the news. We did also decided to keep it quiet until we felt that we were in a safer stage in the pregnancy to announce it to the world. After announcing the last one and then having to go back with the bad news that we lost it, I just didn't want to have to do that with this one.

As it happens, I did have some more than normal spotting/bleeding issues a few weeks ago and I was terrified that I was losing this pregnancy as well. But the bleeding stopped and I was still pregnant according to E.P.T., so I went ahead and scheduled a doctors appointment. I met with my new doctor and he said everything looked normal, but he went ahead and scheduled an early ultrasound to make sure anyway. Last Tuesday I went in for the ultrasound and beside the fact that my bladder was full of water and the tech was running an hour behind, everything looked great. They could see the baby's heartbeat and it was beating at 170 bpm. I was thrilled!!

So at this point, I'm 9 weeks pregnant and my due date is August 27. Yes, I said August 27. That means I will be at my absolute biggest when it is often times averaging 100 degrees here in Nashville. I may be crazy and I will probably wish I had chosen a better time to be pregnant, but right now it's feeling pretty good. I am actually having a much easier pregnancy thus far than I did with Carter. With him, I threw up every morning and stayed sick and tired all day long, everyday. With this pregnancy, I've had little to no morning sickness. Really, I've had a couple of times that I've gotten a little sick feeling, but nothing that I'm really going to complain about. As long as my head stays out of the toilet this pregnancy, I'll be satisfied.

I'm watching my weight extremely close this pregnancy and will not allow myself to gain the 52 lbs that I gained with Carter. Not to mention, I still had a good 15 lbs that I never lost, so I definitely can't gain that much again. This time around I actually have a scale and weigh myself every morning. So far I haven't gained any weight, but I am definitely growing in size already. Of course they say you start showing sooner with your second pregnancy, so I guess I shouldn't be too upset that my jeans are already almost not fitting at this point. I actually think I will be digging out my bella band soon. Oh gosh.

So anyway, Brett and I are very excited and are hoping for a girl this time around. Of course, if we have a boy we will be equally excited. A girl would just be something different. Carter is also getting upgraded to the big room on the other end of the hallway. His room now is really only good for a nursery, because it's so tiny, but his new room is as big as our master bedroom and there will be plenty of room for a lot of his toys.

I guess that about sums it up right there. I'll keep ya'll updated and am very excited to bring this next child into our lives.


  1. Congratulations! Bobby and I are very excited for you both! We wish you health during this pregnancy. Take care of yourself!

  2. Wow, well congratulations to you, too! Glad you're feeling great, I can't imagine day after day of being sick. August is a great month! :)

  3. Are we friends on FB???? Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! This is awesome! That is right around my birthday so I don't mind if you are a few days late! ;)
