He has had his helmet for a month now and has accepted as part of his daily attire. He wears it 23 hours a day and doesn't mind it at all. Brett and I have actually been tossing around the idea of buzzing his hair off so he stays cooler under there. Trust me, when it gets hot and sweaty it's really nasty, so as much as I love his beautiful hair I think he'd be better off with a buzz cut for the summer. Plus, it's not like we even get to see his hair most of them time anyway.
He has matered rolling over from belly-to-back and back-to-belly, so his prefered form of transportation is rolling everywhere. He is on the verge of crawling, but most of the time just does donuts. He just spins in circles or goes backward instead of moving forward. I think in a couple of weeks there will be no stopping him.
His sleeping has also became something straight from Heaven. He now sleeps from about 8:00 or 8:30 until 6:00am when we wake him up. This is probably due to the fact that he sleeps on his belly now. He ignores his momma's concerns about sleeping on his belly and does it anyway. But since I really don't want to stand over his crib all night and turn him back over when he rolls to his belly, he's gonna continue to do this. Honestly, I think the helmet really prevents him from being able to smash his face straight into the mattress even if he wanted to.
Carter has also made the transition to solid foods and is a great eater. The doctor told me to go ahead and upgrade him to the 2nd stage foods and switch him to only eating 3 times a day. He told me to back off the formula and feed him more solids. My only concern is about keeping him hydrated. I guess there is enough water in the fruits and veggies, but I think I will give him a bottle of water or juice about once a day.
And the biggest transition of all for the both of us will be the fact that he goes to daycare next Monday. Yep, I found a great lady that has a little in-home daycare and Carter will be her 4th and last child that she will watch. I'm more excited about this than I am sad. No, I won't get to spend the day with my son anymore, but it will be better for him. He will be able to crawl around on the floor and interact with the other babies, instead of being confined to his bouncy seat all day like he is at work. Plus he will get endless amounts of attention, something else I am not able to give him at work. I think he'll be much happier.
So that's what we've been up to lately. I'm sure he'll be riding a motorcycle before I know it.