Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Waste Any Time?

So this past Friday was one for the record books. It was a very stressful day due to me having to let someone at work go and overall just wasn't that great. So my stomach was in knots the entire day and when I got home it didn't ease up much. But at about 7:15 pm as I was just getting done with dinner, I had a horrible pain in my left kidney area. I ran to the bathroom and fell to my knees in pain and then noticed some blood. So I immediately thought it was a kidney stone and after making a call to my mom, decided I should go to the hospital. This pain was like no other pain I've ever felt. It was worse then labor pain!! We dropped Carter at the neighbors' house and booked it to the hospital.

I went to the hospital by my work, because they are known for their fast ER and I was checked right in. Of course they had me take a urine sample and hooked me up to an IV to get some pain meds in me. They had decided they needed to do a CAT scan, but were going to do some blood work first. About 30 mins later, the nurse comes back in, pulls up a seat and just stares at me. Her expression said "I've got some news for you", I just had no idea what it was. That's when she informed us that my pregnancy test came back positive. Whaaaaaaaaaa?! That's impossible! I just had my period a week ago! And TRUST ME, that's impossible! Well I guess it's not, cause I was definitely pregnant. Note to all...conception can happen the VERY day right before your period. I am proof.

So they cancelled the CAT scan and looked closer at my blood work. My pregnancy count was only 89, which either means they had caught the pregnancy very early on (ummmm...yes, i think that's the case) or the pregnancy may be abnormal. It was too soon to do an ultrasound, but they urged me to go to the OBGYN as soon as I could and have them check me out. The kidney pain I was feeling subsided with the pain meds and never returned all weekend.

So now I am left wondering what happened. Did I really have a kidney stone and it possibly stopped moving, so the pain went away? Or is there something wrong with the pregnancy? I guess we'll find out when I go to the doctor this afternoon. At this point, I'm just praying everything is okay. I'm also praying that God gives me the strength and patience to take care of two babies!! Oh my gosh!!! I mean, Brett and I weren't exactly being the most careful, but we had just decided we were going to get back on BC and wait a while. Haha! I guess God had other plans. Even though we weren't expecting this, we are very excited! I'm excited about staying healthier and in better shape this pregnancy. No more gaining 50 lbs!!

Let's hope for a girl!!!


  1. OMG!! I was hoping for a full story. I think the knot in your stomach should be called the firing knot, I get it everytime I know I'm going to fire someone. But anyways alhfguyagfil!!! Congrats and you're in my prayers.

  2. Congratulations! I hope the doctor visit goes well and everything is in the clear. Let me know how it goes! :)

  3. haha. I always wondered if you could be preg right before your period. now i know, thank you :)

  4. COngratulations! I saw your post on fb about going into the hospital w kidney stone and came out preggers..I told my hubbs this and were laughing! I bet that phone call to Brett was interesting :) Good luck with the rest of the tests!
