I am so glad that project is done. It was a big one. Carter loves playing in his new room, but I have yet to decide if he loves sleeping in it. The last couple nights have been really horrible when it comes to getting him to go to sleep, but I'm not sure if it's the new room or the new teeth he's been getting in. Poor kiddo. I just love the fact that his new room is big enough to hold a lot of his toys, so they don't have to be in my living room anymore.
Now the next project we have tackled is staining our deck. That's something we hadn't done since we moved in and it was in bad shape. Fortunately I didn't have much work for my mechanic at the dealership the past couple days and while I was trying to scrounge things up for him to do, a light bulb went off in my head. Why not pay him to stain your deck? It would definitely be worth it. So Brett prepped the deck by bleaching it and Jack was there this morning to start staining it. So by the time I get home tonight, I will have a newly stained deck. So excited. And for a couple hours this morning while Jack got started on the deck, I installed the new skimmer on our pool and got the new filter and pump pretty close to operational. I just have to get sand for the filter and we'll be in business.
The only major projects we have left this Spring is to rock part of our backyard and put together Carter's swing set. I guess we can accomplish at least one of those things this upcoming weekend. Did I mention I've only gained 5 lbs during this pregnancy so far? It's no wonder, right?
So what are some of your DIY projects?