Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Moving on Up

Well Brett and I finally got through the nightmare that was getting closed on our house and we are officially moved in and loving it! If I complain at all about unpacking, someone please slap me and remind me that I could still be living in a 2 bedroom apartment surrounded by boxes. Yes, I must admit it's much better being in a house surrounded by boxes. We are soooooooo excited about our new home and can't wait to have people over for dinner, parties, movie nights, holidays, etc.

Patsy and Bentley are sort of enjoying the backyard, but considering it's been in the 20s the last couple of days, they aren't as excited about it as I had expected. But just wait until it warms up and I find the bag of balls I had hidden from them in the apt. Bentley loves playing with balls, but I took them all away from him while we were still in the apt. because he kept rolling them under the furniture. He can have them back now.

If you're wondering how the big move went, all I can say is that we have the best friends and family anyone could ask for. Dustin, Sarah, Zac, Gary, Kasey, and Cody all came to help us move. They also brought along their vehicles which helped out tremendously. I couldn't be more appreciative of what they did for us, because it made it 100 times easier on us. Big props to them.

So I've already unpacked a lot of stuff and the house looks half way decent. I tackled the kitchen on Sunday and worked on hanging up decorations and cleaning and unpacking our bathroom yesterday. I also put together our second nightstand. Brett got the garage all cleaned up and organized and we got both of our cars parked in there last night! So I'm thinking we'll be ready for a house warming party next weekend. We can't wait!!! I'll put some pictures up here once we have the place uncluttered a little bit. Later!

1 comment:

  1. I really, REALLY wish I could be there to help you with anything you need with your new home! (You know I am strange, and loove to organize) You definitely need to put up a few pictures! How exciting to have your own place! Love and miss you guys!
