There's only two days left until Brett and I become homeowners for the first time. We are extremely excited abou
t this huge step we're making, and although some would be nervous about making this kind of commitment with the economy the way it is, we couldn't be more sure of it. We were patient and never let ourselves get emotionally attached to a house, because we wanted the best deal we could find and we knew they were out there. I said going in that I wanted to pay $80 to $90 per square foot for a house and I can't tell you how many said it couldn't be done. I knew the market was way down and we weren't going to be foolish about our purchase. In the end, we ended up paying $84 per square foot for our house and locked in our interest rate at 5.125%. It doesn't get a whole lot better than that. We also made the seller pay for a new roof and HVAC unit. So this 12 year old house has new carpet, new paint, new linoleum floors in the kitchen and bathrooms, a new roof, and a new HVAC unit. We truly believe God has answered our prayers (and boy have we been praying a lot) and has blessed us with a nicer home than we could have ever expected to purchase our first time around. The process has been long and extremely exhausting, but it has all been worth it. I have shed my fair share of tears over the last few months and wondered to myself if getting a deal was really worth the struggle, but I tell you now, it was!!

I can not wait to have our house warming party and invite all of our friends and fami
ly over. At least those that live here in TN. I'm going to cook up lots of goodies and even challenge my friend, Kasey, to a throwdown. We both love to cook (she's far more talented in the kitchen than I) and with a little extra room to move around, we should be able to make some delicious treats. I keep telling my puppies about the big backyard they are getting, but they just don't seem very excited. I'm sure they'll come around once they see it. I'm just happy that I won't have to put them on a leash and walk them around everytime they need to do their business.

I guess the next step after a house, will be a baby. Our parents have been hounding us for some grandkids, but it just doesn't happen over night. It'll happen when it happens, but we're doing everything in our power to make sure it happens sooner rather than later. :) Anyway that's all for now and the next time I post, I'll be a proud homeowner. YAY!!!!
Hey Mandy, I love your blog! Can't wait to come and see your new home and I know you are excited! Love ya, Grandma