Well Carter has officially been out of the womb as long as he was in it. Today marks his 9 month birthday. To celebrate, daddy and I sang him happy birthday this morning. If it's possible for a 9 month old to be confused, I definitely think he was. Okay, so it's not really your birthday, but every month counts these days! He is now crawling, standing (while only hanging onto something with one hand I might add), jabbering a whole lot (mostly consisting of dadda dadda daddy dadda da), and eating some whole foods with the two teeth that he has. I predict he will be walking in a month. He went to the doctor for his 9 month checkup yesterday and weighed in at 22 lbs 8 oz. and was 29" tall. His growth spurt has slowed a little bit, but the doctor just said "well he used to be quite the chunker, but he seems to be slimming out a little". He's still above average on his height and weight though. I talked to the doctor about his acid reflux and told him that the 2 prescribed anti-acids didn't work, so I quite giving them to him. I said it has gotten a little better since he's sitting up on his own, but he still spits up now and then. He said if it didn't completely go away once he was about a year, that he would send him to a specialist. That's when he asked "have I sent you guys to a specialist before?" Now keep in mind that Carter had his helmet off, so the obviousness of that wasn't staring him in the face, but here's what I really wanted to say. Ummmmmm......YES!!!! Are you kidding me?!! We've only been to a bone doctor at Vanderbilt for his broken collar bone, a physical therapist for his tortacollis, a plastic surgeon for his head, an orthotics specialists to make his helmet, a gastroenterologist for his acid reflux, and that doesn't include the places we've gone to have CAT scans and X-Rays done. So needless to say, I just looked at him with a blank stare on my face.
Anyway, on a different note, Carter had his 9 month shoot with Master Creations Photography,
http://www.mastercreationsphoto.com/, and we decided to do a big rig shoot. Since our family owns a semi truck dealership and he's been around trucks his entire 9 months on this earth, it seemed fitting. Plus we tried to incorporate a semi truck tire in his newborn shoot, but something about him getting his little winky stuck between tire tread didn't make him too cooperative. So we tried it again and he enjoyed it so much more this time. Here are some of the pictures.

So now that we've done a baby-on-a-truck shoot, I'm not sure what we'll come up with next. Hmmmm....gotta get creative here. Anyway, I'll go think about it and get back to you. Until then, enjoy these pics!
I love these pics! He is getting so big- and he's such a cutie!