And you probably won't get another one until September. I know I'm lame, but between working 50 hours a week, loving on my child the other part of my week, and squeezing in household duties in the little bit of free time I do have, I just don't have time to blog. Or I just don't have the desire anymore. I start an entry many times and then just get tired and delete it; but I promise to finish and publish this one. So here we go.
I took Friday off work to celebrate and enjoy my 25th birthday and spend a little time with my baby Carter. Just spending a couple of uninterrupted days with him has proven to me that if I blink, he'll be graduating college. He has now gotten 2 teeth in, is crawling with full force (belly off the ground and everything), and is now pulling up on things and standing on his own 2 feet. I left him in the family room for less than 30 seconds the other day and when I came back, he was standing up and holding onto our ottoman. I almost died. or cried. whatever. I was excited but so terrified at the same time. I then made it a priority to get all the baby proofing essentials from Toys R Us this weekend. I put soft corner pads on my coffee table but have since decided to remove it from the room all together. That way Carter will have more room to play and I won't feel the need to rap my table in bubble tape.

Like I stated previously, Friday was my birthday and my wonderful husband woke me up early to give me my first gift. It's sheer proof that he does listen. I had told him I wanted a bike trailer to pull Carter around in and that's exactly what he got me! I was thrilled! So thrilled that once the temps dropped to around 90 at about 8:00 at night, I hooked him up and we went for a sweltering bike ride. I enjoyed it very much, but will enjoy it much more when I don't feel like I'm going to die of heat stroke.

Carter will be 9 months old on the 19th and about a week after that we will be taking him on our first family vacation. We've booked a loft in Savannah, GA and we're going to spend a week down there at the end of the month. I hope it's not boiling hot, but I'm afraid it will be. Oh well, that's what the beach is for, right? And I do miss the beach. Tennessee has some of the prettiest lakes I've ever seen, but no beaches so if you don't have a boat, you can't really take advantage of them. But besides the beach, I'm really looking forward to the Paula Deen tour! I think it may involve eating a stick of butter and drinking mayonnaise, but I'm totally up for it.
Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow night I'm dragging my husband to a Hanson concert at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville. Yep, you heard me right....Hanson. I'm still a teeny bopper at heart, so every time they come to Nashville, I go see them. Don't be jealous.
Anywho, that's all for now folks. See ya again in another 6 months. Just kidding.........I think.
Hanson, seriously? Wow. You are out of control!
ReplyDeleteyou better not wait another 6 months. i miss your posts! cool to know that you and pj have the same bday! enjoy the vacation.