Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Coughing and Pre Term Labor

Is it possible for coughing to lead to pre-term labor? Because if it is, this kid is going to pop out of me any second. I've hit the 36 week mark today and I'm sicker than a dog. Well maybe not that sick, but I've got a pretty nasty cold-bug-thing going on. I have coughed so much in the last couple days I'm surprised this kid hasn't gotten tired of it and made his exit. Needless to say, being 8 months pregnant (or 9 depending on how you look at it) and having a cold is not fun! My joints were already starting to get achy from carrying my big butt around, but now they're really achy. On top of it all, I'm not sleeping well at all and I wake up about 8 - 10 times a night, so my body refuses to heal itself. I start my weekly OB appointments today, so I'm hoping they just tell me I'm already dialating and this baby will be here in a week or two. That'd be nice! I also wouldn't mind putting an end to the weight gain, so delivering early has another bonus.

Anyway, with that aside; I can't believe I will be a mommy in 4 weeks (give or take a few days)!!! That's just an amazing thing to take in. It seems like it was just yesterday that I read the positive sign on the pregnancy test and now my baby is almost here. As miserable as pregnancy is, it has flown by. I think the first trimester goes by fast, because you're usually half way through it before you even realize you're pregnant and the second trimester flies by, because it's so easy. The third trimester is where time begins to slow down a bit. Even then, it seems like I just hit the 28 week mark and now I'm already to 36 weeks. The car seats are in both cars and our hospital bags are packed. I have like 3 outfits packed for Carter even though I know he'll probably only wear one of them, but I couldn't help myself. I think I have everything I will need, but if anyone out there has some advice as to what to bring, please let me know. Thanks!


  1. I don't think coughing will cause preterm labor. I had brochitis in the weeks leading up to Erin's birth and she was 5 days late! :) So I think you're okay. I hope the next few weeks go by quickly for you. Enjoy your last few weeks of "freedom" and alone time before your world is forever changed!

  2. I am not even kidding, I coughed my middle child out!

  3. Bring a camera! Or just call Paula....we will be right over. There is an extra fee for 2am calls though. LOL!
