Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Do some women really poop during labor? Oh gosh, just what I was looking forward to...having complete strangers see me poop. I'm definitely hitting up the bathroom before I go into labor. I know that's a long time from now, but I want to be prepared. If there are any more crazy/gross facts I should know about, someone please fill me in. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeee.....
Monday, March 30, 2009
Oh baby, baby.
Well, my mom will probably scold me for this, but I can help myself. I'm pregnant!!!!! Or should I say "we're" pregnant? Brett and I found out Saturday night after a couple weeks of speculation that we're going to have a baby. I took an at home prego test on Sat. night and then again on Sunday morning and they both came out positive. We're so excited! I'm going to the doctor on Friday just to re-confirm what I'm already sure of and to get started on my vitamins. I just hope pre-natal vitamins aren't as potent as my One-A-Days, because those things make me throw up if I don't have enough food in my stomach. Blame it on my super lame/super sensitive stomach. Hopefully that won't mean I have any morning sickness, but so far so good.
Anyway, I'm still trying to adjust to the idea of carrying a human being in my belly. It's kind of strange. I think I've googled just about every question I could ever have about being pregnant. I should cut back/cut out caffiene, I can't eat sushi (at least not raw sushi), I'll have to ease up on my boxing, I can still lift somethings, and the 42 weeks of pregnancy start from your last period. So when I'm 8 weeks along, my baby is really only 6 weeks old. Right??? I don't know, I'm still trying to learn, but not bad for only knowing I'm pregnant for two days. So.....if anyone has some good advice, or any for that matter, pleeeeeaaaaassseee let me know. Thanks!
I'll catch ya on the flip side!!!!
Anyway, I'm still trying to adjust to the idea of carrying a human being in my belly. It's kind of strange. I think I've googled just about every question I could ever have about being pregnant. I should cut back/cut out caffiene, I can't eat sushi (at least not raw sushi), I'll have to ease up on my boxing, I can still lift somethings, and the 42 weeks of pregnancy start from your last period. So when I'm 8 weeks along, my baby is really only 6 weeks old. Right??? I don't know, I'm still trying to learn, but not bad for only knowing I'm pregnant for two days. So.....if anyone has some good advice, or any for that matter, pleeeeeaaaaassseee let me know. Thanks!
I'll catch ya on the flip side!!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Beware of Dog

On a lighter note, I'm about 5 or 6 days late (if you know what I mean) so let's cross our fingers really hard. This could be it. I sure hope so. Anyway, I've got nothing more to say that would be of any interest to anyone, so I'll sign off now. Later.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Is it Thursday already?
So I've been in Atlanta for the last couple of days at a truck auction, but I'm back in town now. On a good note, we bought 2 trucks and then went by the National Powersports Auction and looked at hundreds of motorcycles, jetskis, 4 wheelers, etc. Imagine about a 40,000 sq ft warehouse jam packed from wall-t0-wall with all motorcycles, etc. It was insane! And they'll sell everything tomorrow at auction and start over fresh and fill the place right back up for another auction next month. Anyway, there were literally hundreds of sport bikes there and I came across abut 3 bike identical to the one I foolishly decided to sell less than a year ago. Ok, maybe it wasn't foolish of me to sell my bike, but I sure do miss it a lot and seeing several ones just like it gave me the itch to ride again.
I know, I know!! I sold it for a reason and that reason hasn't changed, so I guess I should give up the idea of ever riding again for the next 18 or so years. Anyhow, we looked at some jetskis and there is a slight possibility that we may purchase a couple and use them for a little while then sell them to make a little money. Yeah, that'd definitely make up for selling my motorcycle.

Anyway, I was happy to get home last night and see my little "family". Yes, I consider my dogs my family since I don't have kids yet.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Our landscaping nightmare.
So, as I've probably said before, the people that owned our house before us didn't take very good care of the landscaping. In fact, they didn't do anything. The front of our house looked like a jungle when we moved in, but Brett and I have chipped away at the bushes little by little and have gotten things looking a little more appealing. Here are some pictures of our house before and after.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Did I do that? giggle, giggle, snort, snort
Okay so how many of you have ever forgotten to put your gas cap back on or closed your fuel door before driving away from the gas station? Well, I've never ever done that myself. Until today that is...
I pulled up to the Pilot gas station and started filling my car with gas. Meanwhile, I went inside and ordered a Subway sandwich. By the time I waited in line, got my sandwich and headed back to my car, I must have forgotten that I was filling up!! I just got in my car and drove away without even pulling the gas nozzle back out of my car!! I didn't even realize what I had done until I got back to work and Tom told me my fuel door was open. I then froze with complete shock when I thought about what I had just done. Luckily my gas cap stayed on my car all the way to the gate of our lot before it fell off, so I didn't have to go back and get it. I checked my car for any damage the nozzle may have done and there was none. Thank goodness!!! I feel like a complete idiot, but I'm just glad it was raining outside because otherwise I may have caused an explosion. Yeah that would've been bad. Whoopsy!!
I pulled up to the Pilot gas station and started filling my car with gas. Meanwhile, I went inside and ordered a Subway sandwich. By the time I waited in line, got my sandwich and headed back to my car, I must have forgotten that I was filling up!! I just got in my car and drove away without even pulling the gas nozzle back out of my car!! I didn't even realize what I had done until I got back to work and Tom told me my fuel door was open. I then froze with complete shock when I thought about what I had just done. Luckily my gas cap stayed on my car all the way to the gate of our lot before it fell off, so I didn't have to go back and get it. I checked my car for any damage the nozzle may have done and there was none. Thank goodness!!! I feel like a complete idiot, but I'm just glad it was raining outside because otherwise I may have caused an explosion. Yeah that would've been bad. Whoopsy!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spring is here. At least for now.
Today the high outside was 82 degrees and it was a mix of sun and clouds. What a joy! This winter has been unusually cold and wet for TN. Even though I grew up in the North Pole, I've gotten used to the mild climate that TN has to offer and I was ready for the cold to be over. I'm still adjusting to daylight savings time, but am enjoying the fact that the sun is still up when I get home from work at about 6:30. Brett and I got tons of yard work done over the weekend and I'm already envisioning plans for my backyard. Since the house was a foreclosure, the previous owners didn't do anything to keep the landscaping up, so we've had our hands full with that. We got all of the bushes trimmed in the front of the house and de-weeded the beds and put down weed fabric. We also built a brick and stone firepit in the back yard and Brett got half of the driveway power washed. I think our neighbors are beginning to appreciate us.
My next project is to get my garden started and start digging/building a pond with a waterfall in the backyard. Since the garden I grew last
year at my parents' place was nearly a 1/2 acre, the one I am planning in my yard should be a snap. Brett and I also dug/built his dad's pond a few years ago, so we shouldn't have a problem doing that either. Here is what I have in mind for a finished product:

I was a bit worried that pond pumps could get pretty expensive, but come to find out they're not that bad. For $130, I can get one that would be more than enough pump for a pretty decent sized pond. If I decided to go smaller, it would be about $80. Not bad, I thought. Of course, living in Tennessee and all we won't have to purchase any rock. Brett has already collected tons and my parents' creek has about a million and a half rocks of all shapes and sizes. That is if they are willing to let us take a few, but we will try to find most of them on our own so we don't have to rob their creek. Also I might try sneaking over to Brett's parents' house in the middle of the night and stealing some of their Koi fish. Shhhhh...no j/k I wouldn't do that. Or would I? hehehehe.
Anyway when I get around to it, I'll upload some pics of our firepit and landscaping. Later!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Too many blessings to count.
In a time that is so tough for so many people in this country, Brett and I are feeling God's blessings being poured down on us continuously. First we got married and received many, many blessings from God through the generosity of our friends and family. My parents helped us out a great deal by giving us the best wedding we could have ever asked for and then gave us an extremely generous wedding gift that helped us purchase our first home. We couldn't have done it without them. For that, Brett and I will forever be grateful. Not only were we able to purchase our first home, but it came at such a great time to buy. We got a really good deal on our house (thanks to my dad pushing me not to give up until I bought something for less than $80 per square foot) and we were able to finance at a time when interest rates were at an all time low. As if this all wasn't great enough, the IRS is giving us $8,000 for purchasing our house this year. We're still trying to wrap our minds around that one. And then on top of it, our friends and family provided us with wonderful things to fill our new house with. We have a full bedroom set thanks to Brett's parents!
I do have a strong faith in God (afterall it's tatooed on my right foot) and believe he provides things for those that ask him and are willing to put the work into get the things he wants us to have. But I could have never imagined all the blessings he has provided for Brett and I in the past several months. I started a new career in an industry that I would have no chance at if it weren't for my dad owning a dealership and giving me the opportunity to sell trucks. I mean I believe I'm capable of working hard for him and doing good at what I do, but the fact of the matter is, I wouldn't even have the chance to get my foot in the door somewhere else fresh out of college with no sales experience. I have learned the trucks way faster than I had ever expected and my people skills are improving daily. I have already sold my first truck, have another guy bringing me the money for a second truck today, and have a deal going through financing as we speak on the third truck. But it just wouldn't be possible with out God's help. I pray several times a day and ask him to help me with my career and thank him for all that he does. When I'm feeling discouraged, like I was this morning, he works things out for me on his own terms. I went home last night as discouraged as I could've possibly been, because I didn't pre-qualify a customer like I should have and I thought I was going to lose a deal on a truck we really needed to sell. I was upset about it all evening and most of the morning. When I thought all hope was gone for selling this truck, even though I had asked for God's help with it, my customer called me up and said he was at the bank getting his own financing and he was going to buy the truck from me still!!!! I was so excited and just knew this was a God thing again.
When I look back at our home buying process, there were many, many times that I asked God to help us get a house we put an offer in on and when it didn't happen I would get extremely discouraged and thought it would never happen. Well, I know now that when I asked for God's help to get us the right house for the right deal, he was going to do it on his terms not mine. And that's exactly what happened. We didn't get the first 4 houses we put offers in on, because he had the right house waiting for us and all I had to do is be patient and have faith. I know that's what I have to do with my career as well. God has blessed me with the opportunity to sell 3 trucks in my first month (which is pretty good for newbe) and I should be doing nothing but thanking him for that.
Now the next task Brett and I are working on, is getting pregnant. I guess I might as well come out and say that we've been trying to accomplish this task since the middle of our honeymoon. For a while we would say "we're not trying, but we're not 'not' trying." Get real! When you don't do anything to prevent pregnancy, you're trying! So far it hasn't been successful and I guess with each month that passes and it doesn't happen, I get a little more disappointed, but I know that it'll happen when God feels we are ready for it to happen. I know we wouldn't have been ready if I had gotten pregnant right after we got married. And you know what? I'm not sure I've even asked for any help on this one. I pray for everything else I need help with, so why not this? I guess I'm just realizing that now. I'm going to start doing that and just have faith that it'll happen when it's suppose to. For now, we are just appreciating all that God has already done for us and trying not to take any of it for granted. I'll keep you updated on how the getting pregnant thing is going. Thanks for reading!
I do have a strong faith in God (afterall it's tatooed on my right foot) and believe he provides things for those that ask him and are willing to put the work into get the things he wants us to have. But I could have never imagined all the blessings he has provided for Brett and I in the past several months. I started a new career in an industry that I would have no chance at if it weren't for my dad owning a dealership and giving me the opportunity to sell trucks. I mean I believe I'm capable of working hard for him and doing good at what I do, but the fact of the matter is, I wouldn't even have the chance to get my foot in the door somewhere else fresh out of college with no sales experience. I have learned the trucks way faster than I had ever expected and my people skills are improving daily. I have already sold my first truck, have another guy bringing me the money for a second truck today, and have a deal going through financing as we speak on the third truck. But it just wouldn't be possible with out God's help. I pray several times a day and ask him to help me with my career and thank him for all that he does. When I'm feeling discouraged, like I was this morning, he works things out for me on his own terms. I went home last night as discouraged as I could've possibly been, because I didn't pre-qualify a customer like I should have and I thought I was going to lose a deal on a truck we really needed to sell. I was upset about it all evening and most of the morning. When I thought all hope was gone for selling this truck, even though I had asked for God's help with it, my customer called me up and said he was at the bank getting his own financing and he was going to buy the truck from me still!!!! I was so excited and just knew this was a God thing again.
When I look back at our home buying process, there were many, many times that I asked God to help us get a house we put an offer in on and when it didn't happen I would get extremely discouraged and thought it would never happen. Well, I know now that when I asked for God's help to get us the right house for the right deal, he was going to do it on his terms not mine. And that's exactly what happened. We didn't get the first 4 houses we put offers in on, because he had the right house waiting for us and all I had to do is be patient and have faith. I know that's what I have to do with my career as well. God has blessed me with the opportunity to sell 3 trucks in my first month (which is pretty good for newbe) and I should be doing nothing but thanking him for that.
Now the next task Brett and I are working on, is getting pregnant. I guess I might as well come out and say that we've been trying to accomplish this task since the middle of our honeymoon. For a while we would say "we're not trying, but we're not 'not' trying." Get real! When you don't do anything to prevent pregnancy, you're trying! So far it hasn't been successful and I guess with each month that passes and it doesn't happen, I get a little more disappointed, but I know that it'll happen when God feels we are ready for it to happen. I know we wouldn't have been ready if I had gotten pregnant right after we got married. And you know what? I'm not sure I've even asked for any help on this one. I pray for everything else I need help with, so why not this? I guess I'm just realizing that now. I'm going to start doing that and just have faith that it'll happen when it's suppose to. For now, we are just appreciating all that God has already done for us and trying not to take any of it for granted. I'll keep you updated on how the getting pregnant thing is going. Thanks for reading!
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