Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh baby, baby.

Well, my mom will probably scold me for this, but I can help myself. I'm pregnant!!!!! Or should I say "we're" pregnant? Brett and I found out Saturday night after a couple weeks of speculation that we're going to have a baby. I took an at home prego test on Sat. night and then again on Sunday morning and they both came out positive. We're so excited! I'm going to the doctor on Friday just to re-confirm what I'm already sure of and to get started on my vitamins. I just hope pre-natal vitamins aren't as potent as my One-A-Days, because those things make me throw up if I don't have enough food in my stomach. Blame it on my super lame/super sensitive stomach. Hopefully that won't mean I have any morning sickness, but so far so good.

Anyway, I'm still trying to adjust to the idea of carrying a human being in my belly. It's kind of strange. I think I've googled just about every question I could ever have about being pregnant. I should cut back/cut out caffiene, I can't eat sushi (at least not raw sushi), I'll have to ease up on my boxing, I can still lift somethings, and the 42 weeks of pregnancy start from your last period. So when I'm 8 weeks along, my baby is really only 6 weeks old. Right??? I don't know, I'm still trying to learn, but not bad for only knowing I'm pregnant for two days. So.....if anyone has some good advice, or any for that matter, pleeeeeaaaaassseee let me know. Thanks!

I'll catch ya on the flip side!!!!


  1. YAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! lkajsflkajfdlasdf.

    Ok. I love giving advice. Eventually just tell me to shut up and I will with no hurt feelings I promise.

    First piece of advice. Take crackers to bed with you and eat them before you take your pre-natal pill. Take that pill right before bed ona cracker filled stomache. Pre-natals pills suck and yes they're very potent. But take them before bed so you can sleep the them off. Is they still give you trouble you OB can give you a different kind.

    SO happy for you guys!!

  2. Congratulations!!! That is awesome! :) Let me know if you have any questions. I'm so excited for you!!!!

  3. Im extrememly excited, emotional, amazed, and thrilled for my BFF to be having a baby! I am still in shock! And makes me want to be there for you, only like 4 minutes away! Im here for you in anyway, and at anytime! I love you tremendously girl!
