Thursday, March 12, 2009

Did I do that? giggle, giggle, snort, snort

Okay so how many of you have ever forgotten to put your gas cap back on or closed your fuel door before driving away from the gas station? Well, I've never ever done that myself. Until today that is...

I pulled up to the Pilot gas station and started filling my car with gas. Meanwhile, I went inside and ordered a Subway sandwich. By the time I waited in line, got my sandwich and headed back to my car, I must have forgotten that I was filling up!! I just got in my car and drove away without even pulling the gas nozzle back out of my car!! I didn't even realize what I had done until I got back to work and Tom told me my fuel door was open. I then froze with complete shock when I thought about what I had just done. Luckily my gas cap stayed on my car all the way to the gate of our lot before it fell off, so I didn't have to go back and get it. I checked my car for any damage the nozzle may have done and there was none. Thank goodness!!! I feel like a complete idiot, but I'm just glad it was raining outside because otherwise I may have caused an explosion. Yeah that would've been bad. Whoopsy!!