Monday, August 31, 2009
Baby Stuff
Thank goodness my parents bought us the crib and mattress and my grandma Phyl bought us the glider/rocker!!!
So tonight I will go home and make Brett some quick spaghetti with jar sauce instead of homemade and then it's off to the nursery to set up this kid's room the right way. Pictures coming soon!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New Toys

So if you think that's bad, get a load of this. Grandpa bought his yet-to-be-born grandson, Carter, a brand new 4 wheeler!! No, I don't think that's silly because I plan on putting him on it at about age 3. Plus it was only a few hundred dollars, so it was a pretty good deal. I will be sure to post pictures of it as soon as I get some. If it helps build a mental image, no one over 145lbs is supposed to ride on it. I broke that rule once we got it back to my parents' house. My dad told me to "punch it" and I had to remind him that I was "punching it", but I'm also almost 7 months pregnant and over the weight limit. All I have to say is, this little boy is already spoiled rotten and he's not even here yet. Geez....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Baby Shower

We also played the Ultrasound game. This is where you pass around various ultrasound pictures and try to identify what body part is in the image. I ended up getting 10 out of 12 correct and won the game. I was pretty surprised, because some of the images are really hard to tell what they are. But they looked a lot like the ones I have of Carter, so I had an advantage I think. We then played a baby trivia game, which I didn't participate a whole lot in because Brett's mom was standing right next to me with the answer cards where I could see them and I thought it would be unfair of me to answer many of the questions. Natalie won that game, of course. She has an 18 month old afterall. Did you know the average newborn goes through 7,500 diapers in the first year? Crazy!!!
Then after the games were done, it was on to gifts. Just so you know, I didn't read the card out loud. Instead I said who the gift was from and then passed them around for everyone to see. I got some cute stuff and now I have to better organize Carter's closet to fit everything. This boy has enough clothes to last him a year without ever wearing anything twice. And he has 3 of the same exact ND outfit with slight differences. I bought him a 3-6 mos size of the outfit, Sarah (Brett's sister) gave us the same one that was 6-9mos and then our great friends Gary and Kasey gave us the same outfit but in Blue and Green instead of Blue and Gold like we already had. Needless to say, Brett is thrilled!! He can't wait to dress his little guy up and turn him into a Domer. Anyway, here are some pics from the gift opening.
And this one is for my grandma. What's better than pregnant ladies and tomato plants?
Monday, August 24, 2009
What A Day!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This is Starting to Hurt
Anywho...I took my glucose tolerance test last week and passed it with flying colors! Score! Now I don't have to go back for the 3 hours test. I also asked my doctor about her thoughts on epidurals and she made it pretty obvious to me that she was a fan. She had one with all 3 of her children, so that was re-assuring to know. She also mentioned the words "larger tearing" with natural births and I just knew what I was going to do. I'll go as far along as possible naturally, but when it comes to the point that I'm nearly passing out from pain, I'll be getting myself an epidural.
My baby shower is this Saturday and I'm really looking forward to it. Some of my neighbor ladies and other friends of mine will be there, so it should be lots of fun. I'm just nervous about the whole idea of sitting in front of everyone and opening presents. How awkward. My question to the ladies that have been through baby showers before is, do I have to read each and every card out loud?
Okay, well I know this blog is pretty boring, but that's my life lately. The most entertainment I've had in a while is from reading the book "Twilight". I'm sure you've all heard of the movie. I saw the movie and liked it so much that I decided to read the 500 page book. If you know anything about me, you know that I'm not a reader, but this book is excellent! I'm about 250 pages in and it hasn't gotten boring yet. I'm definitely going to read the other 3 books and I recommend you read them too. Anyway, I'll catch ya later! Have a good one.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Why I like the Irish
Second, once September rolls around that means it's fall and November 24 will be right around the corner. I don't think I have ever wanted a summer to go by so fast as I have this summer. I can not wait for a little cooler weather and for this baby boy to show his face. When I mention the fact that the ND football season will probably be over by the time our baby arrives, Brett gets upset because I'm cutting out their chances at a bowl game.
Like previously stated in another blog, I purchased a really cute ND creeper set for Carter and I can't wait to dress him in it. As cute as I think that will be, I just hope Brett's family doesn't drown my child in ND apparel. An outfit or two is okay, but they will be sadly disappointed if they buy him loads and loads of ND stuff, because he won't be wearing it. How do you tell your in-laws to refrain from waisting there money on tons of ND clothing? I'll make Brett do it! But I won't feel too bad if they buy it and I don't dress him in it all the time, because when Natalie (my sis-in-law) had her baby boy, her family drowned him in ND stuff and I don't think I ever saw him wear a single outfit. Natalie and her husband Craig aren't big fans of ND either and probably found it unneccessary to dress Leland in all the apparel.
Anyway, I know it doesn't sound like it, but I really am looking forward to the football season. Last year was a blast because we watched every game with our apartment neighbors, Gary and Kasey, while munching down on some pretty tasty treats that Kasey and I would whip up. We have a bigger TV this year and a cool bonus room, so I'm hoping they'll come back to watch with us again this year. I just wish some of our new neighbors were into ND football so Brett had a guy to watch it with all the time. Anyway I'll wrap this up by saying, Let's Go Irish!!!! I don't like my husband's attitude when you lose, so please win every game!