I don't think I mentioned the fact that I sold Brett's car this past weekend, so we were free to buy something different. Of course I was going to take advantage of one of the biggest perks of working for an auto dealer and that is the fact that I can shop at the dealer only car auction. Which in turn means....saving thousands of dollars on a vehicle. So my dad took me up to the Manheim auction and we got to pick and choose from the almost 2,000 cars they had running yesterday. Of course, Brett and I had already decided on a 06-07 Chevy Trailblazer, so I just had to narrow our choices down once we got up there. Well 3 of my top choices were pulled out of the auction, but my very top choice was still there. We waited patiently for it to run through one of the lanes and I was ready to bid on it. Unfortunately it went well over wholesale value within seconds and I didn't bother submitting a single bid. Disappointing, yes, but there was an '06 right behind it that I hadn't had a chance to really look at it. It had a few more miles but had the leather package and everything we were looking for. The bids started so low on it, I just found myself raising my hand for it. I was a little nervous about bidding on something I hadn't looked over real well, but I couldn't help it because it was going so cheap. Well long story short, I won the bid and bought the truck for about $1,000 or so under wholesale and several thousand under retail. Woo hoo!!! It turns out the truck was really nice too. Best thing of all is that we came out $2,000 ahead from selling Brett's car to buying this Trailblazer. So here is what we got (stock photo of course, not actual vehicle).

Oh and let me not forget to mention that my dad made a couple purchases as well. He bought a golf cart to ride around on at his farm, because he didn't have enough toys. No, the 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, Harleys, side-by-side, boat, and John-Deere tractor would not be complete without a golf cart. Now don't assume it has no use around the farm, of course my parents need something to drive down the 1/4 mile long driveway to the mailbox.
So if you think that's bad, get a load of this. Grandpa bought his yet-to-be-born grandson, Carter, a brand new 4 wheeler!! No, I don't think that's silly because I plan on putting him on it at about age 3. Plus it was only a few hundred dollars, so it was a pretty good deal. I will be sure to post pictures of it as soon as I get some. If it helps build a mental image, no one over 145lbs is supposed to ride on it. I broke that rule once we got it back to my parents' house. My dad told me to "punch it" and I had to remind him that I was "punching it", but I'm also almost 7 months pregnant and over the weight limit. All I have to say is, this little boy is already spoiled rotten and he's not even here yet. Geez....
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