Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Stuff

So I got a shipment from Target today containing all the baby goodies I ordered last Thursday. It contained C.J.'s high chair, pack 'n play, Pooh bedding, Pooh wall decor, and my bobby cover. I think that's it. Doesn't sound like much, but it adds up quickly. We just purchased his travel system about a week ago too, so he's almost set. Sorta...we still have to buy the changing table, changing table pad, a swing and/or bouncer, jogging stroller, diaper genie, a few more toys, diapers, bath stuff and lotions, and nick nack stuff like a thermometer and baby grooming kit. But I didn't have the guts to put that all on one bill. Maybe next week...

Thank goodness my parents bought us the crib and mattress and my grandma Phyl bought us the glider/rocker!!!

So tonight I will go home and make Brett some quick spaghetti with jar sauce instead of homemade and then it's off to the nursery to set up this kid's room the right way. Pictures coming soon!

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