38 1/2 weeks

Well I'm at 38 1/2 weeks right now and my due date/induction date are so close I can almost taste them. I still have to wait until Tuesday to meet with the Dr. to schedule my induction, but her nurse did call me back and tell me she's not on-call again until the 23rd and that's most likely when she'll induce me. My due date is on the 24th. So if I don't go into labor before then (and I doubt I will) I'm most likely looking at only 10 more days of being pregnant. I can not believe I'm already to this point. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now the baby will be here any day. I will definitely have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Another good thing is that if I induce on the 23rd, I can still see New Moon before I have the baby. Woo hoo!!
I'm so excited for you. I pray you have a safe and easy delivery. BTW, the 20th is my b-day so let's keep trying for that day.
I'd totally be okay with that day.