Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Speaking of cold, it actually snowed here on Sunday. We also usually don't see any snow until January or February, but we got some this weekend. I think we got about an inch at my house and it shut the entire mid state down. I'm not kidding. Every school in Middle TN was closed. It's just different here, that's all. I think they have like 15 plow trucks for the entire state of TN. We're not used to it. And actually I haven't had a white Christmas since my last Christmas spent in South Bend 6 years ago. So Santa, all I want for Christmas is snow! Seriously!!
Speaking of Christmas, my family and I went to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular this past Saturday and aside from the major parking issues (Opry Mills parking lot is all blocked off since the flood in May), it was spectacular! (pun intended) Brett and I arrived at 5:00, thinking the show started at 5:30, so we patiently waited for the rest of my family to show up. They got stuck in all the parking mess and didn't arrive until 5:30. That's when my mom informed me the show started at 5:00. Dang it!! We couldn't get in since they had our tickets, so we missed 30 mins of the show and walked in during the Toy Soldier performance. Even though we missed 30 mins of the the 2 hour show, it was still way better than I expected. I'm not much for singing and dancing but this show was great! I was especially impressed by the ending. They performed the Nativity Scene and really explained the true meaning of Christmas and that it's about Christ's birth, not Santa and presents. They didn't shy away from it at all and it was really amazing. I LOVED IT! Definitely worth going to if you ever have the opportunity.
Other than that, we have just been busy trying to work, chase Carter around, and get Christmas shopping done. We recently lost our other salesman at work, so it's been just me trying to hold the fort down lately and it's been a little hectic. Thankfully, we just got another guy hired and he starts Monday. This means I will no longer have to work every Saturday as well as Mon-Fri.
That's all for now folks.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Carter's 1st Birthday
After that we headed to my Uncle's memorial service. It was a very touching service and just made me wish I had gotten back to see my Uncle before he passed away. I guess it's true, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. It was really nice seeing some of my family, but just wish it was under different circumstances. I wish my uncle had gotten to meet Carter, but I know he's in a much better place now and that's good.
Once the service was over, we cut out and headed back home. We had Carter's birthday party the next morning and lots to do to get ready for it. We hosted it at my parents' house and it turned out really nice. Our closest friends came and we had a blast. Carter loved all of his toys.
Nana got him a wagon. What's better than a little boy and a puppy in a wagon?
And last but not least, the smash cake. Need I mention we forgot to feed Carter dinner before we let him dig into his cake? Yeah, he would have eaten the whole thing had we not stopped him.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Way Back Home
Anyway, back to our trip. I am mixed with sadness and joy all at the same time. I am sad, because we will be saying goodbye to a great man and joy because I will spend my son's 1st birthday with a very small intimate group of friends that don't normally get to see him. So we will put our warm boots and coats on (must get carter a winter coat) and travel almost 500 miles north for an overnight stay. This shall be our 2nd family trip together. Let's hope everyone leaves their cranky pants at home.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dinner for 4

P.S. I do not recommend Valspar Signature Series HD paint that you see all the commercials about and it being able to cover really well. Wrong!! This is dark red over a skin tone beige and it took 3 coats (4 coats on the largest wall) to cover it completely. Next time I will stick with my Sherwin Williams paint like I'm used to.
Anyway, back to Thanksgiving. We were planning on having my family, Brett's family, and my parents' neighbors over at our house for the big meal. But Brett's family decided they'd rather stay at their house, because his dad likes to cook. Okay. So it's just my family and their neighbors. Then my dad called and asked me if I'd be upset if my mom and him went to Colorado for Thanksgiving to spend it with my grandma. No. Go ahead, I'd do the same if I could. So since my parents weren't coming, their neighbors won't be coming either. That makes it just me, Brett, Carter, and my brother. Instead of being bummed about it, I am still very excited. Just because there will only be 4 people instead of 14 won't stop me from making a meal to feed 30. I will be in all my glory from breakfast to dinner. I really enjoy being able to spend the day cooking. I used to really enjoy making great meals for Brett, but since I work so much nowadays, I really don't have the time anymore.
I can not wait for Carter to be able to enjoy his first turkey dinner. Last year he was only a week old and I was still in major pain from giving birth to him. Also I was dealing with the baby blues that I swore I'd never suffer from and was an emotional mess. blah.
So those are my plans for Turkey day, what are everyone elses?
Friday, October 29, 2010
Justice Shall Prevail
I never feared my dad having to face prosecution from all of this, because I knew for a fact he acted within the legal guidelines, but I was seriously disturbed at how some of the media outlets spun it. And even more saddened how the police treated him during this process. Rather than investigating where more of his stolen property had gone, they pursued trying to bring charges against him. Had they done their job and called around to the local scrap yards on Tuesday, like they should have, they would have found about $4,000 worth of his stuff at Clark Iron & Metal in Murfreesboro. But it's too late, because once the owner of the scrap yard saw the story on the news, the metal had already been scrapped. He had to call Chief Boyd at the LaVergne Police Dept. 4 times before the jackass would take his call. Someone needs to fire that prissy bitch.
Now, I have contacted all 3 news stations that ran their first stories in hopes they will run a follow up. We'll be watching!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Protecting The Criminals
My dad came back to the office and was obviously worked up over the entire ordeal, but felt as though he had done the right thing. He then went back to the contruction lot to see what all had been stolen. That's when the situation turned on him. The police were there to question him and they soon turned to him as the criminal. Long story, short the police are pursuing a case against my father in which they are investigating whether or not he lawfully fired a shot in self defense. I understand that they have to look at every angle, but they went on the news saying that he was only trying to protect his property. I am infuriated!! The story aired on 3 news channels here in Nashville and only Fox 17 got the story right. The other 2 channels chopped it and twisted to make it look as though my father saw them stealing his stuff and he shot at them. Words out of one news reporters mouth were "Clark saw the men stealing his property and that's when he got a gun". Are you kidding me?! Are you seriously kidding me?! First off, he didn't just get a gun, he carries it, and second of all he wasn't shooting at the vehicle because the douche bags were stealing his stuff!! His life was being endangered and he took action rather than being a sitting duck like most people in society!
What Channel 5 news failed to mention was that one of the men was listed as a dangerous gang member as well as being a convicted felon in possession of a loaded gun. Yes, that's right, they had a loaded gun with them as well. They were complete scum bag, dangers to society and to my father, but my father is the one that's being made out to be a criminal. Somethings wrong with society and it's comes down from our leaders. That's all I'm going to say about that.
Here is the news clip from Fox 17, who happened to portray the story in the most accurate light.
WZTV FOX 17 :: Newsroom - Top Stories - Police Question Whether Shooting Was Self-Defense
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Going To The Shows
I know it's a little early, but the Christmas buzz is really starting to pick up around Nashville. Of course this being Music City and all, there are some really great shows and concerts going on. There is no better time in Nashville than Christmas time. Opryland Hotel always decorates their entire hotel in Christmas decor and people from all over the country come to see it. This year it will be extra special, because the hotel was flooded back in May and won't reopen until around Thanksgiving. Most of their decorations were destroyed, so everything will be new. It should be quite the sight to see.
One show I have been really wanting to see the last few years but haven't gone to yet is the Radio City Christmas Spectacular held at the Grand Ole Opry house. Well that's gonna change this year. My mom just bought tickets for us all to go see it on Dec. 11. It's a bit pricey, but I think it will totally be worth it. And Carter gets in for free!! Let's just hope he'll sit still and there will be no kicking and screaming. He's usually a very well behaved baby, so my fears aren't too great, but you never know. Whatever the situation, it will be a great time! I can't wait!

Michael W. Smith is also having a Christmas concert at Brentwood Baptist Church and I think that would be really great to check out. The tickets go on sale Friday, so we'll see about that.
The Opry also puts on a huge display/exhibit made out of ice every Christmas season. It's called "ICE" (pretty fitting) and the themes over the past couple of years have consisted of The Grinch, Charlie Brown and some other famous characters. I have also failed to check this one out, so that is definitely on my To-Do list this year. Carter is sort of big enough to enjoy it too.
And to finish the season out, our church, World Outreach Church, puts on a mean Christmas Eve service. This area doesn't lack in the department of musical talent, so if they don't manage to get a famous singer in to perform, their own talent is pretty darn good. I'm already getting so excited! And yes, I'm one of those freaks that likes to play Christmas music from Halloween - on. Don't roll your eyes.
So cheers to the upcoming holiday season!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Not Worthy Of A Title
This morning I was at work when the office phone rang and the name of my doctor's office came across the screen. They called me at work. At work. This could only mean one thing in my mind. I picked up and the nurse practioner that checked me out was on the line, she informed me that my HGC levels had continued to drop, but slowly rather than rapidly. This in their minds would indicate a ectopic pregnancy rather than a miscarriage. This would also explain the pain I felt last Friday. They said they would recheck my levels once again on Monday, but that they would most likely be terminating the pregnancy at that point. All the hope that I was still holding onto at that point was crushed. This baby is not going to make it and there is nothing I can do about it. What filled my heart with joy a few days ago has now filled it with sadness. I know that lots of women go through things like this everyday, but I never thought it would happen to me.
So with that said, I wish I could at least have a day to mourn my loss, but I can't because I'm at work and someone already called off sick, so I'm stuck here to just suck it up. It's pretty hard putting on a smile and talking to customers when I feel so crummy inside. But I guess I will do what I have to do. Brett and I will get through this and we'll try again some day. Thank you everyone for all of your support. It's been more of a help than you probably realize.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This Is What Faith Is For
When I went to the hospital on Friday night and found out I was pregnant, I was completely shocked but have come to really embrace the idea of having another baby. I have actually become very excited. The blood work they did on Friday showed my hCG level (pregnancy hormone) at 89. In a healthy, normal pregnancy this count should double every 48 hours. So I had another count done on Monday and am going back today to have yet another count done to see what the levels look like.
This afternoon I got the call to make sure I was coming in for more blood work and I grilled the girl about what my count was on Monday and that's when she informed me it was 64. Devastating. My faith tells me to keep holding onto hope that everything will work out the way God wants it to. But what God and I want, may be two different things. A drop or lack of increase in the hCG count could indicate an ectopic pregnancy or be a sign that I should anticipate a miscarriage. I am trying to think positive, that maybe the count was wrong on Friday, but I will know something more tomorrow. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we were not anticipating any of this.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Why Waste Any Time?
I went to the hospital by my work, because they are known for their fast ER and I was checked right in. Of course they had me take a urine sample and hooked me up to an IV to get some pain meds in me. They had decided they needed to do a CAT scan, but were going to do some blood work first. About 30 mins later, the nurse comes back in, pulls up a seat and just stares at me. Her expression said "I've got some news for you", I just had no idea what it was. That's when she informed us that my pregnancy test came back positive. Whaaaaaaaaaa?! That's impossible! I just had my period a week ago! And TRUST ME, that's impossible! Well I guess it's not, cause I was definitely pregnant. Note to all...conception can happen the VERY day right before your period. I am proof.
So they cancelled the CAT scan and looked closer at my blood work. My pregnancy count was only 89, which either means they had caught the pregnancy very early on (ummmm...yes, i think that's the case) or the pregnancy may be abnormal. It was too soon to do an ultrasound, but they urged me to go to the OBGYN as soon as I could and have them check me out. The kidney pain I was feeling subsided with the pain meds and never returned all weekend.
So now I am left wondering what happened. Did I really have a kidney stone and it possibly stopped moving, so the pain went away? Or is there something wrong with the pregnancy? I guess we'll find out when I go to the doctor this afternoon. At this point, I'm just praying everything is okay. I'm also praying that God gives me the strength and patience to take care of two babies!! Oh my gosh!!! I mean, Brett and I weren't exactly being the most careful, but we had just decided we were going to get back on BC and wait a while. Haha! I guess God had other plans. Even though we weren't expecting this, we are very excited! I'm excited about staying healthier and in better shape this pregnancy. No more gaining 50 lbs!!
Let's hope for a girl!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Pancake Head - No Longer
I know that sometimes it's a little hard on my heart when Carter has these tiny little battles in his life, but it's nothing compared to what he could be facing. Over the weekend my high school youth pastor's niece passed away from cancer at the age of 5, when just 10 weeks ago she was a normal, happy, healthy little girl. It's things like that, that make you really check yourself about what you're complaining about. Maybe Carter has had to go to several specialists for various issues since his birth, but nothing we have faced has been something that wasn't fixable. The doctors that Ava went to couldn't fix her, so God took her home. I can't even imagine going through that with my child. I may never understand why things like that happen, but I know that I will shut my mouth about the little stuff and give Carter lots and lots of hugs and kisses everyday, because you never know when life can be torn away from you.
As for now we will celebrate Carter's helmet coming off and pray for a family that has had to face the unthinkable. God Bless all the little children and the people that love them.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
9 months

Saturday, August 7, 2010
I'm so ready to be in good shape again. I was a little chunky in high school and during my sophomore year of college I decided to change that. I started working out and lost 30 lbs. and was in the best shape of my life for a few years. I ran about 3 miles a day, boxed, and did weight training. I actually had a 4 pack (not quite a 6 pack, but close). Then I got married, started working full time, and quit working out. I then packed on 15 lbs.....and then I got pregnant. And as bad as I don't want to admit this, I gained like 52 lbs during my pregnancy. Out of control!!!!! So I've lost 37 of those 52 pregnancy pounds, but want to lost another 30 to get back to my slim figure.
Diet and exercise go hand in hand and when I'm working out so hard to lose the weight, I don't allow myself to eat all the junk because it's like throwing my hard work away. So if I can really commit to this Insanity program, I think I can lose the weight. Cross your fingers folks!! It'll be here in a few days. My only question is....do you do the 60 days straight? or is it like 5 days on 2 days off, until you hit 60 days?
Monday, August 2, 2010
August Update
I took Friday off work to celebrate and enjoy my 25th birthday and spend a little time with my baby Carter. Just spending a couple of uninterrupted days with him has proven to me that if I blink, he'll be graduating college. He has now gotten 2 teeth in, is crawling with full force (belly off the ground and everything), and is now pulling up on things and standing on his own 2 feet. I left him in the family room for less than 30 seconds the other day and when I came back, he was standing up and holding onto our ottoman. I almost died. or cried. whatever. I was excited but so terrified at the same time. I then made it a priority to get all the baby proofing essentials from Toys R Us this weekend. I put soft corner pads on my coffee table but have since decided to remove it from the room all together. That way Carter will have more room to play and I won't feel the need to rap my table in bubble tape.

Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow night I'm dragging my husband to a Hanson concert at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville. Yep, you heard me right....Hanson. I'm still a teeny bopper at heart, so every time they come to Nashville, I go see them. Don't be jealous.
Anywho, that's all for now folks. See ya again in another 6 months. Just kidding.........I think.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Yes, I'm Still Alive.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Big Boy, Big Trucks
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
6 Months

He has had his helmet for a month now and has accepted as part of his daily attire. He wears it 23 hours a day and doesn't mind it at all. Brett and I have actually been tossing around the idea of buzzing his hair off so he stays cooler under there. Trust me, when it gets hot and sweaty it's really nasty, so as much as I love his beautiful hair I think he'd be better off with a buzz cut for the summer. Plus, it's not like we even get to see his hair most of them time anyway.
He has matered rolling over from belly-to-back and back-to-belly, so his prefered form of transportation is rolling everywhere. He is on the verge of crawling, but most of the time just does donuts. He just spins in circles or goes backward instead of moving forward. I think in a couple of weeks there will be no stopping him.
His sleeping has also became something straight from Heaven. He now sleeps from about 8:00 or 8:30 until 6:00am when we wake him up. This is probably due to the fact that he sleeps on his belly now. He ignores his momma's concerns about sleeping on his belly and does it anyway. But since I really don't want to stand over his crib all night and turn him back over when he rolls to his belly, he's gonna continue to do this. Honestly, I think the helmet really prevents him from being able to smash his face straight into the mattress even if he wanted to.
Carter has also made the transition to solid foods and is a great eater. The doctor told me to go ahead and upgrade him to the 2nd stage foods and switch him to only eating 3 times a day. He told me to back off the formula and feed him more solids. My only concern is about keeping him hydrated. I guess there is enough water in the fruits and veggies, but I think I will give him a bottle of water or juice about once a day.
And the biggest transition of all for the both of us will be the fact that he goes to daycare next Monday. Yep, I found a great lady that has a little in-home daycare and Carter will be her 4th and last child that she will watch. I'm more excited about this than I am sad. No, I won't get to spend the day with my son anymore, but it will be better for him. He will be able to crawl around on the floor and interact with the other babies, instead of being confined to his bouncy seat all day like he is at work. Plus he will get endless amounts of attention, something else I am not able to give him at work. I think he'll be much happier.
So that's what we've been up to lately. I'm sure he'll be riding a motorcycle before I know it.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Nashville Flood 2010
Sadness and frustration both fill my heart right now. Last weekend while I was in Texas with Carter and my mom, rain started to fall on middle Tennessee in record amounts. By Saturday afternoon my parents' farm began flooding like I've never seen it flood. Their property is bordered by the Harpeth river that runs through Franklin and Starnes creek. After several hours of non stop down pour, their fields looked more like lakes. By the end of the day, the water was so close to the house, we just knew it would flood it. Thankfully the rain stopped over night and the creek receded back into its banks. Then Sunday came and the rain started again. The water crept right back up to where it was and my dad feared it was going to reach the house. But when it finally stopped for good, their house was dry. They couldn't say that much for everything else though. One of their big hay bails even picked up and floated across the field and a river Otter came swimming into their back yard. Strang I tell ya.