Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Big Boy

Friday, January 22, 2010
Sleepover at Nana's
Monday, January 18, 2010
Gripe Water
The bottle says I can give him 6 doses a day, but I've only been doing about 2 to 3 doses and it's keeping him regular. It's really great because it's made up of Ginger and Fennel extract along with other natural extracts, so I don't feel as though I'm medicating my baby all the time. The only kicker is that it's not exactly cheap (as if any baby stuff is cheap). For a 4 oz. bottle it's about $13 (another reason I'm only giving him 2 to 3 doses a day). But I think at this point I would pay $50 a bottle to make the fussing stop. It's the best pacifier money can buy.
Speaking of the pacifier. Let me just say...I hate it!!! I thought pacifiers were supposed to be mom and baby's best friend, but so far it has proven to be nothing but a pain in my rear. Carter has yet to learn how to keep it in his mouth for long periods of time and when it falls out, he gets all fussy. I know he's only 8 1/2 weeks old, but I'm considering taking that stupid thing away already. It doesn't seem to help him too much and if he's being fussy about something else, the pacifier isn't going to change that. Plus I'm really not looking forward to the day he gets super attached to it and the fight we will have when I take it away. And the last couple of weeks I've seen a handful of toddlers running around with them in their mouths (while trying to speak, I might add) and it makes me just want to yank it out of their mouths. Now, I say it's fair to give each mother their own amount of time to take it away from their child (especially if it's actually working like it should), but I think once they are nearing 2 years old, it no longer needs to be in their mouths; especially if they are needing it during the day and not just at bedtime. But as for Carter and I, it hasn't ever seemed to help much, so I'm really starting to wonder what the point of it is. He doesn't even need it to go to sleep....so what's the point? I'm just trying to find a good couple of days that I don't have to work the next morning where I can afford to lose my mind and some sleep.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Do You Hear The Baby Crying?
Please tell me I'm not the only one that has ever done this. I swear I'm going to make sure that monitor is on blast every night before I go to sleep. This is not something I want to put my baby through again. Poor little guy...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I popped my exercise ball.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Rollover
Friday, January 1, 2010
A Night Off
I think even the dogs are going a little nutty lately. Can't you tell Patsy looks a little stressed? I haven't had a solid nights rest in about 3 or 4 or 5 months. Maybe even longer. You think by now I'd have gotten used to being tired, but I don't think you ever get used to it. So my mom has offered to take Carter tomorrow night and let him spend the night at her house so I can get one solid nights rest before returning to work on Saturday. She offered a couple of weeks ago and I was having some serious seperation anxiety and couldn't stand to leave him for the entire night. It's not like I didn't think my mom was capable of taking care of him, I was just not emotionally ready to let him go. But my fatigue has pushed me to forget all about that and just let her have him. I can't wait!! My dad is going to feed us left over Prime Rib and then Brett and I are off to see New Moon for the second time. Yes, I love that freaking movie and can't wait until it's out on DVD. I'm what you call a Twihard. I've read the first 2 books and am almost done with the 3rd (I was slowed up quite a bit by the baby) and I own Twilight on regular DVD and Blue Ray and have watched it about 6 times. Needless to say, I can't wait to see New Moon again.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy about having a night off! I'll be sure to blog about it later.