Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleepover at Nana's

Carter is having his second sleepover at Nana Clark's tonight. My mom has once again been gracious enough to offer to keep him for the night so Brett and I can get some good sleep. The last time Carter spent the night over there, I was in the middle of enjoying a wonderful night's sleep when Brett woke up with horrible heartburn and he started gagging and coughing and woke me up. Instead of being a concerned wife and asking if he was okay, I yelled at him for ruining what was supposed to be a night full of uninterrupted sleep. He thought I was being a jerk (and I was) but I hadn't had a solid night's sleep without waking for months and months. Let's see how he'd feel if he were in my shoes. So tonight I think I'll make sure he doesn't eat anything that will give him heartburn and I'll force like 10 Pepcid Completes down his throat before bed. Sounds like a good plan to me. Now most people our age would take advantage of a night without the baby by going out to the bar or a late movie, but instead, we celebrate the occasion by going to bed at like 8:00pm. There is nothing more attractive sounding to me than at least 8 hours of sleep (all in one night, I might add). There for a few days Carter was having some bad tummy issues and he was only sleeping for about 2 hours at a time and I was only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night. When he doesn't go to bed until 11 and wakes up several times and I have to get up at 5:30, it doesn't make for a good morning. But....the other night he slept from 10-5 making it the longest stretch he's ever done and I was so happy I could have cried. But he was back to 4 hours last night. So anyway, I am telling you all this to say...don't call my house tonight or in the morning unless you want me to hunt you down and hurt you. Does that sound too harsh? I think all the new moms out there understand where I'm coming from........right?


  1. haha...Im not a mom, but I completely understand where you are coming from. I will be the first person to admit that if I dont get enough sleep, I am the biggest "B" in the world. And you have ever right to claim your "8 hours of baby free sleep" with out any interuptions!

  2. Oh I KNOW how you feel! I was so excited when Gooner started sleeping, like REALLY sleeping! And when you get to be 7 months DEFINITELY don't get a full nights sleep. I'm assuming that sleep won't be sleepfull 100% until the 8th grade. ;) Sleep well and sweet dreams!
