Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh the expense.

So Brett and I went to Target last night to put our eyeballs on a few baby items that we would need for our nursery. As we browsed the strollers, cribs, changing tables, bouncies, clothes, pacifers, bottles, toys, diapers, etc...our jaws dropped to the ground. Yes, we were aware that babies cost a lot of money and we're as prepared for that as much as we can be, but it's still shocking. I glanced at a big bag of Pampers and it was $28! So quickly I started to add things up in my head and here's what I came up with:

Crib: $250
Changing Table: $100
Stroller: $150
Bouncy: IDK $50
Clothes: $8.99 per piece
Diapers: $28per bag
Our out of pocket expense for delivery: $4,500
Estimate Daycare expense per month: $1,000 easy
Food: I have no idea

Brett and I have been really good about saving our money for this, but we were also saving for a new roof and the more I crunch my numbers I don't know how we can afford to do both. On a lighter note, Brett's car is paid off now and mine will be in Sept. So we can save the money that would be going to his car every month starting now and mine will be freed up before the baby gets here. That is a relief somewhat. I'm still torn about the daycare idea, not only because someone else will be raising my child, but because it's so dang expensive. But there is no way either one of us could stay home at this point. We both make about the same kind of money now and by one of us quitting it would mean cutting our income in half and most likely losing our house. Not to mention, I don't want to stay at home. Anyhow, if we have a boy I believe we would be so lucky enough to receive Leland's (Brett's nephew) hand me downs and that would say a lot of money on clothes.

On a much more positive note, I already have a super nice dresser for the nursery. It was my dresser growing up and I believe it came out of my nursery. I took really good care of it throughout the years and it still looks brand new. It's a dark wood and I think would go well with the crib I want. My parents also gave us the HUGE toybox that my grandpa built for me and my brothers when we were kids and I'm going to sand and re-stain it a darker color to match everything. That is really cool, because cutting out any expense is great. I also plan to get everything in neutral colors so I can continue to use it with all my children. That makes me feel a little better knowing I only have to make the big purchases once. Although the crib I want is one that turns into a toddler bed, then a day bed, then a full size I may just buy a second one when I have another kid. Who knows?! I'm rambling.

To update you on my human creating process; I'm 9 weeks along and have never felt more like a pile of crap in my life. Just kidding...oh wait, no I'm not. But I hear it gets alot better after the first tri-mester. If it sounds like I'm complaining about having this kid (and I'm pretty sure it does) I don't mean it that way. I'm super super excited to have this child and am way excited about getting the opportunity to buy all that expensive baby stuff. I just can't wait until November!!! I want it to get here now! In the mean time I will try to be patient and enjoy the baby that is growing inside of me. Later!


  1. haha : ) I'm excited for you guys. Yep babies are expensive. It's cheaper if you breastfeed. Maybe you can just breastfeed during your maternity leave then switch back to formula when you go back to work. Could you work 1/2 days? Do you have a good friend, other stay at home mom, or relative that could watch the baby for you instead of a day care? Move to SB and i'll watch it for you. haha.

    p.s I got all of colt's clothes until he was about 6 months old at garage sales before he was born and from my baby showers. You will barely need to spend any moola on clothes.

    p.p.s. look for baby furniture at consignment baby places.

    p.p.p.s. do you have a sam's club in TN? Are you even in TN? Where in the world are you...humm...i'm not sure. Anyhow. We buy sams club formula at it's my favorite secret. It has everything in it as the name brand formula but it's Members Mark brand [sams brand] and it's twice the size of a regular can of formula and only $19 bucks a can. Did you and brett look at formula when you were there??? if so you probably has a heart attack becasue it's far worse than diapers.

    p.p.p.p.s babies r us has a deal when you buy boxes of diapers you get your 10th box free. AND we always go to buy diapers when we have a $5 dollar off coupon. So that ends up being like 18 bucks a box of diapers when all is said and done [i count the difference in the 10th box -- which we haven't gotten too quite yet] anyhow. that's a good deal as far as name brand diapers go. You could go super cheap and get non-name brand diapers and save more money but I like my pampers.

    p.p.p.p.s. Huggies suck. Don't get them. They are a bad fit and colt would pee through the diaper! I hate huggies.

    : )

  2. Thank you Mo!! Yes, I'm in TN and luckily we do have a Sam's Club. I am grateful for all your tips and am pretty sure I wouldn't have thought of them myself. I'm going to start hunting for the yard sales. I'll keep the Pampers in mind. I've been told one of the brands sucks pretty bad and I'm pretty sure it was the Huggies. I was even thinking about looking on Craigslist for used strollers, etc.

  3. my travel system is for sale. we're not really close but ya. it's the car seat and matching stroller. colts butt got too big. if you're interested facebook me and i'll send pics.

    i think it was $270 when we bought it 7 months ago and were selling for $150.

  4. Congrats to you guys! :) I'm due October 10th, should find out the sex soon. Don't stress about money too much, everything will work out in the end.


  5. Generic formula is the best! It is half the price of Enfamil or Similac and is identical in price. I also like Pampers the best and Huggies do suck royally! The White Cloud diapers aren't awful and are a lot cheaper though too! You do get a shit-ton of things at your showers and people are generally very generous when they find out you are expecting.

    We didn't have to buy a single piece of furniture for our nursery. You'll get the bouncy seats and such from your shower too. It will all work out I promise!

    Start being on the lookout for daycare options now and you maybe able to find a really great deal. We spend less than $100 per week and she is fantastic!

    Don't try to dwell on the worries, just enjoy being pregnant (as much as possible!) because it'll fly by and soon you'll have an adorable little baby and everything will fall into place! :)
