Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So when Brett and I first moved into our house, we were thrilled about the fact that the house had all new carpet throughout. Well after living there a few months, we started to notice an odor. Patsy (our girl pug) had a couple accidents in our bedroom, but I was pretty sure that our room wasn't smelling from the 2 or 3 accidents she had. Mainly because I had cleaned them up right away. Well as the odor grew stronger, I put my thinking cap on and figured out what it was. The previous owners must have owned a cat and the cat must have urinated all over the place, thus being the reason the carpets were all changed!!!! I've never owned a cat before, mostly because I'm not a big fan of them, but I do know that if they pee often enough in the same place, the odor is almost impossible to get rid of. So our bedroom is beginning to be a place I loathe due to the smell and the awful wall color (bad painting experience). What's even worse is that I am constantly feeling under the weather due to the pregnancy and I am super sensitive to smells. Just about everything makes my stomach turn. So imagine how I feel when I walk in and smell cat pee. I'm so mad!! I told Brett that we'll have to pull up the carpet and do something about the floor underneath. I'm guessing we'll have to get some kind of floor paint and try to cover up the odor. I am sooooooooooo not looking forward to that, but I'd rather do that than live with the smell forever.

On a lighter note, if the weather permits, this weekend I'll be planting my garden. Finally!!! I've had it prepped and ready for a while now but work, Brett's bday party, and rain have prevented me from planting my veggies. Unfortunately, since our winter was longer than usual it's too late to plant most things by seed and I'll have to go to a green house to get some veggies that are already started. Darn! Seed is so much easier. Anyway, I'm thinking once my veggies are ready to harvest, I can make my own baby food. I'll consider it 2/3 organic. I'll explain what that means. I laid weed fabric down to prevent almost all the weeds from growing in my garden (I'll cut holes for the veggies); then I found some organic Pestacide; but the only organic fertilizer I could find was just dirt. Obviously that wouldn't work since I have weed fabric down. So I got some Miracle Grow plant food instead. Good enough!! It's the Pestacides and weed killers that are sooooooo nasty and I'm glad I found them in an Organic product. So that's my 2/3 organic garden. Take it or leave it. I'll keep you all updated on my progress, or lack there of, and I'll post pictures along the way. Later.

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