Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yoga and daycare.

So since I gave up on my work out routine well over a year ago, I've gained about 15 lbs. and I'm not liking it. I was hoping to be in better shape than I am for my pregnancy, but I guess it's never too late. My goal for a max. weight gain during my pregnancy is 25 lbs. I know that seems impossible, but if I'm really careful about what I eat and I start working out more regularly, I may be able to do it. Since boxing is probably not the best choice of exercises for me right now, I thought about yoga. I found a website online that has prenatal yoga videos that I can follow along with and I think that sounds like a swell idea. I can hook my computer up to my TV and then I don't have to make the effort of going to the store and trying to track down a DVD. I was going to try it out last night while Brett was gone to a hockey game, but for some reason my couch sucked me in and wouldn't let go of it's death grip it had on me. So needless to say I didn't get around to it. Darn!

I had intentions to try it out this morning, but last night I had a really bad case of insomnia. I went to bed around 9 and didn't fall asleep until after 11, once Brett got home. Maybe it was my subconscious not allowing me to sleep until my hubby was home. I don't know, but either way I was extremely tired this morning and didn't get up in time to try out my yoga. I swear I feel like my life doesn't exist except for on the weekends. I head to work at 7:30a.m. and don't get home until 6:30p.m. Monday - Friday. That leaves about 2 1/2 hrs of free time in my day to do anything, which usually consists of cooking, cleaning, and laundry. I'm just a little worried about what it's going to be like when I have a baby. The thought of leaving my newborn at daycare for 11 hours everyday is a bit dishearting. I don't even think most daycares around my house are open past 5:30. I would love to have the financial security that would allow either Brett or myself to stay home with the baby, at least part time, but that's not realistic. I mean we knew that we would both have to work full time and our child would be headed to daycare once it was 6 weeks old, but now that we actually have one on the way, it's a little more scary than ever before. I just want to be able to spend more than 2 1/2 hours with my child every day. I realize my 9:00pm bed time is no longer going to exist once the baby is hear, but still, I wish sometimes that I had banker hours. Unfortunately when you work in retail, that's unlikely to be the case. So anyway, those are my 2 worries for now....gaining more than 25lbs and putting my child in daycare for too many hours. I'm sure my nerves will ease as time goes on.


  1. that's a toughie. be in prayer about it. remember that all your money comes from God. from his provision not from your jobs. i reallly didn't want to go back to work after baby but Andy said we couldn't afford for me to stay home. God worked on his heart and here I am. We've been following dave ramsey's lead and are better financially now that we were when i made money. i always made my plee with andy too that I didn't want anyone else raising my baby but me...but that still didn't break him, only God. good luck girl!

  2. It is amazing what you find you can do when you become a mom! Things just fall into place. Try not to worry about too much. What happens will happen and everything will work out. And don't try to worry about gaining too much weight either! It is easier than you think for it to come off in the end. :)
