Tuesday, May 19, 2009

13 Weeks

I'm 13 weeks pregnant today and my baby is the size of a medium sized shrimp. I'd like to believe it's bigger than that since I've gained 5 lbs in my first tri-mester so far. Also, it was a lime last week, so I gotta think it's a little bigger than a medium sized shrimp now.

I went to the Dr.'s today (all by my lonesome) and had a quick checkup. She put the fetal doppler up to my belly and instantly heard the heart beat. That was pretty exciting. My baby is still thumping away in there. I still have 7 more weeks until the ultrasound!!! But, we'll find out the gender then too. It seems like I was just at my last appointment yesterday and it's actually been almost 4 weeks, so maybe the next 7 will race by.

I had a billion tests done last week and everything came back great, except for my blood type. Not that there is anything wrong with my blood type, I'm just O- and I guess only 25% of the population is that. What that means is that if Brett is O+, my baby will be O+ and that my placenta or something will try and fight it. Sooooooo...I'm not really sure if it's anything serious, but she said chances are Brett is O+ and I'll have to have some kind of shot at 28 weeks to correct the problem. I don't know. I just hope it's not a super big needle that goes into my belly, but I'm afraid it will be. I guess I should have asked that question. So next time Brett gets to go with me again and this time he gets to have blood work done!!

With all that said, I think I'll start donating blood once I'm done being pregnant. I was just thinking about the fact that if I was in an accident and needed blood and only 25% of the people out there are O-, I'm pretty much screwed. So, I better help the other people out there with the same issue. Anyway, my belly is at a stand still and they're is probably no point in posting a picture at this point. The lady that handles all the billing and stuff at the Dr.'s office even asked me when I was going to start looking pregnant. I was thinking to myself, "You should see me after I eat Mexican food." I swear I can bloat up to looking 6 months pregnant somedays and the next I'm back to normal. So bizarre.

So that's all my prego talk for now. I know it's probably getting old, so I'll do my hardest to find something more interesting to talk about. Hmmmm....babies, semi-trucks, maternity pants...what else could there be?

1 comment:

  1. Love your pics sweetie - you look so beautiful. Loving the blog too and congratulations on being preggers! Just take it easy, make sure you are getting lots of sleep and eat healthily! I just had my first baby (Boy, Marlow :-)) - totally amazing! Have you picked any baby names yet? You should have a look at http://www.bounty.com/babynames/ where you can search names by meaning and origin, plus its got a list of top 100 names for boys and girls. Hope its helpful - I thought it was great when picking my babies name xx
