Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome to the 2nd trimester.

Well, me and the baby have officially made it to our second trimester. We're happy to say we're feeling much better and our energy level is way up from what it was a few weeks ago. The couch is no longer sucking us in and not releasing it's death grip it had on us for several weeks. (Notice how I'm using the term "we" instead of "I", must be a pregnant lady thing). Brett still likes to poke fun at me for how much I sleep nowadays, but that's only because I don't stay up until midnight with him every night. I am usually crashed on the couch at about 8:30 or 9 every night, but that's because I get up at 5:30 every morning. I managed to stay up until 11 last night, because I gave the dogs a bath at 9:30 and then realized I needed to wash their blankets so they wouldn't get stinky right away.

I did make the leap into maternity pants, and I must say I'm loving it!! Why can't all pants be this comfortable? I'm not sure I'll ever want to go back to normal jeans. Of course, it is strange having a waist band that goes up to my boobs!! I think that's just because my belly hasn't expanded enough to pus down the elastic band. I find that my bella band is working nicely to hold them up, because they're still a little big on me.

I got my first belly pat yesterday from Brett's sister. She commented on the fact that I was already showing. How lovely. I also got my first taste of what the heat does to a pregnant lady on Saturday. I was laying some weed fabric in our front flower bed when the neighbors came by to chat with me. I stood up and was talking to them for a couple of minutes when all of a sudden, my blood sugar must have dropped out. I started feeling really sick and wasn't sure if I was going to vomit or pass out. Of course, I didn't want to interrupt them and tell them I had to run inside to get some water before I did a face plant, so I just kept listening to them. Note, I didn't do much talking. I think the woman noticed how pale my face had become an she decided to let me go. I then rushed inside and crashed on the couch and begged Brett for some water. He obviously didn't seem to understand my urgency as he casually munched on his gourmet cinnamon roll that he'd gotten from the store. Once I started yelling, I think he got my point. I then chugged a glass of water and scarfed down a cinnamon roll myself. I'm not exactly sure why I got sick, because I had eaten breakfast and drank some water, but I guess when you're pregnant things are a little more intense than normal. But on a good note, I got all the weed fabric down and we planted a few plants yesterday and mulched our front flower beds. Our house looks pretty good now, if I do say so myself. It has a little curb appeal I guess you might say.

Anyhow, I'm going to make like a baby and head out. LOL!!! I know my humor is lame, but I can't help it.


  1. your humor is not lame it's fantastic. glad you see you haven't lost it!

  2. Welcome to the 2nd Trimester! It's so much better than the first! And we might as well sleep as much as we can now because we baby comes, there will be a lack of that. lol I found out today I'm having a BOY! :)


  3. I wanted to be your first pat :(
    So.. **pat**...makes me sad that I cant be there to help you out. You are keeping yourself so busy girl..better take it down a notch and let others pamper you. :)

  4. Yeah, I was considering hiring a servant, but figured that would just turn me into a bigger fatty than I already am. lol. And, you just wait, when I come up to SB in August there will be plenty of belly for you to pat. The baby should even be kicking the heck out of me by then too.
