Friday, June 5, 2009

My Dog Has a Hemorroid

Since my last post was pretty sad and depressing (so sorry for that, it's just something that has really been bothering me) I thought I'd lighten the mood by letting you all know my dog has a hemorroid, or at least it's something along those lines. Bentley was acting as those his his butt was itching him yesterday, because he kept tucking his tail and sitting funny. Well this morning I got a glimpse of his rear end and he had a huge bump on it!! I kinda freaked out and decided I needed to rush him to the Vet. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I have a customer coming to pay for a truck this morning and couldn't be away from the office. So Bentley will have to wait until 3:30 when I can take him. Poor guy, it looks really bad and all I can think of is when I watched the episode of "Rob & Big" and their dog Meaty had a chicken bone stuck in his butt and had to go to the Vet. I hope Bentley doesn't have a bone stuck in his butt, but I doubt he does because I haven't been giving him any bones. Maybe he just got bit by a bug or something. Who knows.

Happy Friday!!


  1. OH GOD! Poor little guy.....:( I think my dog had something like that before...if it is a hemorroid, at least you don't have any yet...I don't know about you I'm hoping that doesn't happen to me. I've heard horror stories. *shudder*
