Monday, June 15, 2009

To Travel Or Not To Travel

Well, Brett and I have been planning on attending a friend's wedding in Indiana in August for quite a while now. We had planned on taking a few days off from work to go up to South Bend and visit some friends while we were in the area for the wedding. This was before I found out I was pregnant. The wedding is in August, which means I'll be 6 months pregnant by then. Although, a break from the hot August weather here in TN sounds really nice, the potholes in Indiana do not. Now, if you've never lived away from northern Indiana, you probably don't realize how bad the potholes really are up there. After living in TN for 4 years, when we go back to South Bend I swear my car is going to fall apart from the crappy roads. When I was up there last summer I just couldn't believe how terrible the roads were (I guess over the 19 years of living there, I got used to them).

I say all this because yesterday when Brett and I were driving down 840, everytime we hit a bump I felt like I was going to pee my pants. The bridges on that highway don't have the smoothest transition, so everytime we approaced one, I cringed. That's when I turned to Brett and told him I didn't think it was a good idea to go to Indiana in August, because I can't even handle bumps now and I'm only 4 months pregnant! Also the 8 hour drive is really unappealing. For anyone who's ever been pregnant, I think you can understand my concern. Also Brett only has a week of paid vacation and I'd kinda like for him to use it all when the baby comes, instead of for traveling to South Bend. So as of right now, our trip up north this summer is cancelled. Unless I have a serious change of heart, it ain't gonna happen. As bad as I've been craving Hacienda mexican food, it's not worth the drive!! And on top of it all, my dad does not like giving me time off work, so he'll probably be very pleased with my decision.

On a side note, I met my next door neighbor last night (the only one I had yet to meet) and she filled me in on all the ins and outs of pregnancy and child birth. She has three daughters ranging from 1 1/2 years to 11. We talked for probably an hour and a half and I got every last detail about labor I think I'd ever need. The thing I found refreshing was that she had an epidural with each of her kids and said they all went very well. From what I've heard, it's pretty hard to go through labor without one, so I'm trying to get all the facts I can about them. Anyway...that's all for now. Catch ya later.


  1. I'm sure you would be missed by everyone but people will understand. You need to be happy and comfortable during your pregnancy and, well... you're right, the roads here are REALLY bad. I could understand how that would make for one unpleasant car ride. Hope everything else is going well.

  2. I know in South Bend they're finally doing something about the roads....31 is tore up like nobody's business. But yeah, I can understand not wanting to deal with the drive for that long....I hate driving 1.5 hours to see my dogs in MI so I can't even imagine doing a drive like that. I'm sure Amber will understand, and everyone else you won't have to stop every hour to pee. :)
