I guess this subject has become more important to me ever since we elected a Pro-Choice president and he decided to spend our tax dollars to provide women all over the world with abortions. My personal belief is that abortion is murder of a human life, unless there is a serious reason for it. And when I say serious I mean things such as tubal pregnancies that will bring death upon the mother and child. In this case, the pregnancy is terminated immediately and the baby hasn't had much time to develop into a being. I know the age old excuse has been rape or incest, and I guess I can understand why someone would not want to carry a baby in that circumstance and for that particular reason I guess I don't have much of an opinion. Just that if you are raped, you should be responsible enough to get yourself checked out ASAP and as soon as you can possibly find out you're pregnant then you decide right then and there whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. Not 3, 4, or 5 months down the road. What infuriates me is women who use abortion as birth control. They are irresponsible and have unprotected sex and then go to the clinic and take care of their problem. Are you kidding me?! Is that not murder?! Because the way I look at it is like this; there have been people in my life that inconvenienced me in major ways but does that give me the right to take away their life? No!!!! I fully believe in self defense and being able to protect yourself against criminals, even if that means killing them, but to take away a life of a human that has never had the chance to harm anyone is absolutely crazy!!! Women's rights my ass! What really gets me is the same people that believe in the right to abortion do NOT believe in my right to own a gun to protect my family against violent criminals. Seriously?! Anyway, before this gets too out of hand, I want to get to my true intended point.
Last Sunday a prominent abortion provider in KS, Dr. Tiller, was murdered while attending church (first of all I want to know what kind of church he's attending). Of course, this enraged Pro-Choice people and they just couldn't understand why this man was murdered. My only response to those people is "it's okay for this man to have killed thousands of babies, but it's not okay that someone killed him?" How ironic. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't believe it was right to have murdered the man, but I will be completely honest about my feelings on this matter. I'm not saddened one bit by his death and that's just the honest truth. In fact, I am a little relieved that this sick individual will no longer be able to harm our babies. Does that mean I wish death upon every abortion provider, absolutely not. But this man was of extreme evil. He provided abortions at such points as 26 weeks. Now if you do the math, that's over 6 months! All of you mothers out there know exactly how developed your baby is at 26 weeks and know that it's even possible for them to survive if they were born that early. So to say that he was not committing murder is mind blowing to me. Why does our government allow this to go on? Is it because we are so afraid of infringing on some one's rights that we don't put a stop to it or what? I just don't understand it! But for anyone out there that doesn't have much of an opinion about abortion; I want to leave you with this:

I assure you, this diagram is not nearly as gruesome as some of the other pictures I could have posted on here. If you still don't have much of an opinion about this, I encourage you to google partial birth abortion and check out some of the images. I guarantee you will feel differently about it after seeing some of the real life photos. It's absolutely heart breaking.
"What really gets me is the same people that believe in the right to abortion do NOT believe in my right to own a gun to protect my family against violent criminals. Seriously?!"
ReplyDeleteCareful, that's an awefully broad brushed statement.
Anyway, I think Obama rocks, but abortion does not. It's wrong, it's murder, it's aweful.
I suppose my point of view is...until I am President, no one will share all of my views exactly the way I do. So since I'm likely not ever going to be President, I have to support the person who I believe will do the best job for our country. I will choose not to abort any children. I will tell others I believe it is wrong. I will pray for the lost lives and for those who did choose abortion.
I enjoy reading your blog. Been following for a while.
I lost a good blogger friend over political differences. Please know my comments are meant with the upmost respect.
Agreed. It's terrible. I think it was totally totally wrong for that man to have been murdered. It's not like there won't be another abortion doctor stepping in his place...it will happen. Abortions will continue with him or not. He had to face Jesus. Wonder what happened?
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about the rape issue too. Questioning myself about what I would do in that situation. Obviously...the baby would be born. No way under the sun would I consider abortion no matter how horrible the journey had been for me to get to that point. The question would be...Do I give it away for adoption? But truth be told...I would probably keep it. When I look at the child 1/2 of it would be me. I don't think I could give MY baby away.
I'm not too terribly fond of President Obama. But I pray for him and his family and the people that surround him and his decisions. That's about all we can do.
All I'm going to say is Pro-Choice DOES not people FOR abortion. Nobody can judge a woman for what she does because no one knows her life. Using it at birth control is of course wrong, but that's not the only reason it is done. If it were illegal, it would still be done, just in back alleys with hangers like in the old days. People can have their views and all that, but it's really no one else's business since it doesn't affect anyone but the person going through it. I'm leaving it at that...
ReplyDeleteBut that's where you're wrong. It does affect more than the person going through it. It affects the life of an innocent baby. I think I addressed the other issues that would make one choose abortion as well. Seriously, I encourage you to do some research on partial birth abortion. As far as the hanger issue...that's like me saying if I can't kill this person that inconveniences my life, I'm going to kill myself. Would that be okay? I'm not saying there shouldn't be some exceptions to the law, I'm just saying it should be based on much, much stricter standards other than not feeling like having a baby. Adoption is a great option. My cousin experienced 3 miscarriages while trying to have children, why don't you ask her what she thinks about abortion and adoption.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, word to the wise...I'm a very right winged, conservative thinker and nothing is ever going to change that or stop me from posting my unfiltered thoughts. So if this upsets or offends anyone, I would suggest discontinuing to read my blog. That's all. Other than that I enjoy the comments.
I'm just saying you have the right to your feelings, I have the right to mine. I don't try to change any else's mind because it's pointless. I'm not stressing about it.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Mandy, I have nothing against you at all, I've enjoyed reading your blogs and following the pregnancy progress, especially since we are both going through it. The other gals posted their opinions and I did mine, I wasn't trying to change your mind or anything like that. If you felt that way, I'm sorry. This issue just bothers me since I dealt with it for weeks since Obama came to ND, it was chaos here and I was glad to see it end, so the whole issue is burnt out for me.
ReplyDeleteok. so i've had the image of that diagram burned in my brain all day and who HONESTLY could sit there and let that operation happen and feel okay about? Ick.
ReplyDeleteHere's something that's backwards...
People lay on a table and let the brain be sucked from a babies head yet just around the corner there are tons of people who are having to go through hell and back & spending thousands of dollars in the process JUST to adopt a baby. What the heck. People get tested to drive a car...people should be tested to have sex too. How is this okay again?
Frankly, abortion should be kept legal for two purposes only, rape/incest and Medical necessity. Everyone else? Nope. You deal with the consequences of what you did and either keep the baby or give it up for adoption (even the our adoption system is not the greatest, but I think it could be fixed). I'm sick of hearing about these girls that are too young to be having sex anyway, having an abortion because they'll be fat at prom or it's going to take too much out of their social life. PLus, I don't get how people can come up with the money for an abortion....but can't seem to buy condoms or birth control....funny how that works. But like I said before, there are sick people out there that will find a way to get rid of the baby, even if abortion is illegal. Drugs are illegal, and you see stuff about that everywhere. Girls could go out of the country or go to some back alley doctor if they want it bad enough....of even fall down the stairs on purpose to lose the baby....it's a sick world. If people can't deal with having a baby then they shouldn't have sex, it's that simple. But like I said, I think it should only be legal for those severe cases that the woman didn't really have control over....everyone else needs to pull up their panties and deal with what they brought on themselves. As a soon to be mom that didn't even think she could have kids, I think it's sick that so many people can throw a baby away and not think twice.....and sometimes do it more than once.
ReplyDeleteI can understand that. I know that you can't just totally illegalize abortion 100% and make no exceptions for medical reasons or what not. But where it stands today is just crazy.