Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That Can't Be Right

I went for my 17 week checkup today and of course they forced me to step on the scale. Now I expected at least a 5 lb. increase from last month, because my stomach has been expanding at a rapid pace the last couple of weeks, but I was hoping there would be a miracle and I would have only gained 2 or 3 lbs. Well what showed up on the scale was far from a miracle. I gained 8 lbs. since my last visit a month ago! 8 lbs.!!!!! Holy crap! Now, the nurse said "Oh it looks like you've had a growth spurt, but that's pretty typical about this time." That made me feel a little better, like maybe it wouldn't happen like this again. But the doctor on the other hand said, "You've gained 8 lbs. in a month! What have you been eating?! You should only be gaining 3 or 4 lbs. Fast food is bad!" I told her I didn't eat much fast food (and that's the truth) and then I hid under the table. No, really I didn't hide under the table but I got so depressed about my weight I wanted to go home and eat a pan of brownies. Just kidding. I ate Subway for lunch and that's what I'll continue to eat for lunch until I can't stomach it anymore. So my goal of only gaining 25 lbs during my entire pregnancy just flew out the window. I'm already half way there! This is not looking good, but I will just start watching what I'm eating and get my butt off the couch and start walking more. Anywho...I can't wait to play with the new baby monitors my BFF, Casey, sent me today. She got me a couple other things too, but I think the monitors are the only thing I can really test out right now. She's the best. Thanks Case!!


  1. Aww...Trust me you deserve to be spoiled and to get all of those fun/cute/adorable baby things! Dont worry too much about the weight! As long as your eating healthy and getting in some exercise! You have nothing to worry about, b/c thats all you can do :) I am sure you will be A-OK! Love and miss you!

  2. Girl, don't worry about your weight. You have to realize that since you're skinny, you'll probably gain more, or seem to gain more. They recommend gaining 25-35 the whole way through, but most of the gals I know gained 40....and then they drop it pretty fast. As long as you're eating right and doing what you're suppose to, don't worry about the numbers. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything but I've actually lost 10 pounds since I got pregnant, which they said is normal, but now that I'm at my 6 month mark I'll start gaining since the boy is. Plus, I'm bigger than you so it's not like I should be gaining a I hope it stays that way. lol Anyways, like I said, it's going to seem like a lot since you're skinny, but when you realize what all the weight actually is (I think there's a chapter about it in the Expecting book), you'll see that it's not so much YOU that's gaining it. I go in for my next appointment Tuesday so we'll see how much I gained since my belly is definitley making itself known. :p

  3. Aw, don't sweat it! I gained 40 pounds with each of my three babies. I lost all of it within a year.

    You're fine.

  4. Don't worry too much about gaining weight. What is important is that the baby and you are healthy. I gained 40 and have lost it all and she is only 15 months old. The bulk of the baby weight is easy to lose, regardless of the total the last 10 is the hardest.
