Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Halfway There

Today marks my 20th week of pregnancy, which means I'm exactly half way there! It seems like these past 20 weeks have flown by, but it also seems like November 24 is still an eternity away. These next 8 days are going to crawl by, because on July 15 at 3:00p.m. we find out whether our child will be playing baseball or softball. To date, we still haven't had an ultrasound done, so this first one will be extra exciting. It's supposed to be a 3D ultrasound, so that'll be really cool to see. Hopefully the baby cooperates and I won't have to wait any longer to find out the gender. Brett and I were at the mall the other day and stopped by The Children's Place and were debating on whether or not to buy a pack of neutral colored body suits, but we decided to pass. Afterall, we're going to be find out if it's a boy or girl in just about a week, so there was no point in spending the money on something we weren't crazy about anyway. Although, I did find a website a couple of weeks ago where I could design my own Onesies and I got a couple personalized for Brett and my parents. The one I got for my dad (or the baby really) said "Grandpa, it's not fair to blame your gas on me." So fitting.

On another note, our new bed arrived yesterday and we got to sleep in it last night. It's a King size pillow top and I thought I may never get out of it once I layed down. Not only is the mattress super comfortable, but the sheets and comforter are also soooooooo cozy. I think Brett and I will be going to be at 6:30 tonight.

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