Sunday, December 27, 2009
Stretch It Out
We got a jogging stroller from daddy for Christmas, so now it's time for mommy to get back in shape. So far I've gone on two walks with it. I'm not quite up to the jogging yet, but have been doing some serious power walking. It helps that I live in Tennessee and there is nothing but hills in my neighborhood, so I should be forming buns of steel soon.
Anyway, I'm making this quick because Carter man just went to bed (11:30) and I'm headed that way right now. Later.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Birth Trauma
I'm usually not one to get too worked up about things like this, but it's really starting to wear on me. I just want my baby to be healthy and happy and I feel like he's been suffering his entire life so far. I just hope that the neck stretches will correct this problem, because I really don't want to have my newborn in physical therapy. He's already been through so much.
All I have to say about this situation is that if I know I'm going to have a large baby next time, I'm going to have a C-section. I'd rather have my belly cut open then have my baby injured. But we have to deal with what we were dealt right now and all I can do is pray for a speedy recovery. I just gotta have faith that God will take care of this child and he'll be okay eventually.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fatsy Patsy
Well, I walked into my bedroom the other night to see Patsy laying on my nice pillows from my bed and I noticed that she looked a lot fatter than usual. She's a very tiny Pug and only weighed 14 lbs the last time she was at the Vet. This is very tiny compared to my first Pug, Otis, who weighed 32 lbs. Since I thought she looked bigger than usual, I decided to put her on our scale. It's a cheap scale and may not be that accurate, but none the less it said she weighed around 19 or 20 lbs!!!! Holy cow, dog! How did you gain 5 lbs?! Now that I pay more attention, she does look like a swollen sausage. I wish it wasn't so cold or I would take her on a walk, but I can't take the baby out in this.
So for now, she will be going by the alias Fatsy Patsy. So fitting.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Labor Pains
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Within Reach
Today I was 1cm dialated and 70% effaced, so she was also able to scrape my membranes in hopes to kick start labor on it's own. All I know now is that after that little experience, I know I am way too big of a wuss for natural labor. Bring on the epidural!!! Anyway, I'm hurting a lot in my lower back tonight, so I don't know if that means anything or not. Maybe I'll end up going in tonight. Who knows? All I do know is that my little guy will be here within a couple days!! I guess this means no New Moon for me. Maybe when he's a month old I'll leave him with my mom for a couple hours so I can still catch that movie while it's in the theater. But I'll definitely take a baby over a movie anyday.
So here's to given birth! Should be quite the experience. I'll let ya'll know when he's here.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tears work
Speaking of coughing...I managed to cough my mucus plug out. Hopefully the baby is soon to follow.
P.S. For those of you who haven't caught on yet, my "boss" is also my dad. Gotta love him!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
So Close I Can Taste It
Another good thing is that if I induce on the 23rd, I can still see New Moon before I have the baby. Woo hoo!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Control Freak
Back in September when I took my child birthing class that was offered by my hospital, the labor nurse teaching the class gave us all a golden nugget of information. She let us all know that our hospital allows women to induce at 39 weeks if necessary. At first I wasn't that interested in doing that, but as I got larger and more uncomfortable I began thinking more seriously about inducing early. I had mentioned it to a few of the doctors I was seeing in my practice, but my suggestions kept getting shot down. Well finally at my last appointment the Dr. I saw told me I was measuring big and she wanted to get an ultrasound. Well when the ultrasound estimated my baby at already being 8lbs. 3oz., I was determined to induce early. So as I was on my way out of the office, I grabbed my nurse and asked her about inducing early because of the size of the baby. She said she'd talk to my Dr. and get back to me later that evening.
At around 5:30 last night, I got a call from my nurse letting me know that she had discussed my ultrasound with my Dr. and my Dr. had decided that when I come in on Tuesday she would schedule me for an induction. It would have to be on a day that she was on call, but she said my Dr. was on call that Thursday. So I was super excited. But then she mentioned Nov. 12 being the date that my Dr. was on call and due to all my excitement I didn't realize until I hung up that she was looking at the wrong week. So now I'm not sure when my Dr. is on call next week, but I will soon find out. Either way, she indicated without being able to tell me 100% for sure, that I would be induced next week. I just about went through the roof with excitement!!!!! Seriously, did I really get my way once again? Most women have to wait at least a week after their due date to be induced and I'm getting to induce several days before my due date. I guess my gross weight gain has paid off after all and has given me a big enough baby that they want to get him out of there.
So now let's just pray that my Dr. doesn't change her mind when I go into see her on Tuesday. God knows I have little patience and won't be able to handle waiting much longer. Here's to being a control freak even in an uncontrollable situation!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Future Linebacker
I was hoping to get a really good look at this baby since the last time he was so small I couldn't tell much, but this time he was too big to see much. I did get to see the cute little foot that is always kicking me in the side and one of his eyes, because the other one is facing my back. But the best thing of all was seeing all that hair on his head!! Yep, they could identify hair on his little dome and I was very pleased. Now I know all the heartburn was worth it.
My question is, do newborns this big actually fit into the newborn size clothes? I know the tags always say 5 - 8 lbs, but I was wondering how accurate that is. He's got some pretty cute newborn outfits that I would hate for him to miss out on.
Anyway, I will keep everyone updated on my little linebacker. Hopefully it won't be much longer!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Walking Zombie
On another, less annoyed note, I had my 38 week check up today. I'm still not dilating or thinning, but my belly is measuring a couple of weeks ahead. So the doctor scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow to see how big this baby is getting. I'm hoping he's big enough that they suggest inducing me early. I just don't see the point in doing it if that wasn't their intention. But I won't be seeing the Dr. to discuss it until next Tuesday anyway.
Anyway, I'm going to try and scrape up my remaining sanity off the floor and do something productive now. I'll keep ya'll updated on what I find out from the ultrasound. Later!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Warning: Girl Stuff
I went for my 37 week check up yesterday and was hoping and praying the Dr. would say I was 100% effaced and 4 cms dialated and would send me over to the hospital. But, that didn't happen. Instead I got the news that no pregnant lady this close to her due date wants to hear. "You haven't changed a whole lot from last week." There was absolutely no dialating going on, but she did tell me my cervix was beginning to soften. I'm not sure if that's very significant, but at least it's some progress. I guess this still doesn't surprise me a whole lot, because I've only had a handful of contractions, but it's still disappointing. I really don't want to go into labor right now, but I would like to know that I was making some progress and if my baby came by the 20th, I'd be very happy. My Dr. got called into a delivery yesterday, so I didn't get to see her and had to ask her nurse about possibly inducing early. My hospital allows women to induce at 39 weeks, but all the doctors at the place I go to seem to be against it. I keep throwing dates out there and they keep getting shot down. My nurse said we could talk about it with Dr. Moss if everything seems to be progessing well by then. Once again, not what I wanted to hear. What I wanted her to say is "Sure! What date would you like for us to schedule you for? Do you have any special requests? Would you like a mint on your pillow when you arrive?" I did throw Nov. 20th out there for suggestion and she just said, "well we'd like for it to be a day that we're gonna be there to get you started." At this point I wanted to throw myself on the floor and say "No! It's my body and my baby and I want to deliver him when I'm ready!! He's big enough already! Come on lady, look at me!" But I acted like a coward once again and just said, "okay".
When the nurse practioner came into check me, I excessively complained about my back pain like it was the worst thing in the world, once again hoping she'd say, "Well that's not gonna work, we better just go ahead and get that baby out of there then." But instead she told me to take Tylenol (as if that works for any kind of pain) and if the pain continues or gets worse to let them know. I wanted to say, "And if the pain does get worse, what are you gonna actually do about it? Because I'm telling you right now that it makes me sick at my stomach at times because it hurts so bad and you're not doing anything about it." But once again I just said, "okay."
So now I will continue to impatiently wait for some kind of progress or for this baby to decide to just show up. Let's cross our fingers and hope it's not much longer.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
21 days
Anyhow, just please pray that my Dr. doesn't try and talk me out of inducing on the 20th. Even though they say you can do it, I know that they like to talk you out of everything you want to do most times. So I will try and be firm about it, because I really don't want to be pregnant any longer than I have to be. It's been an amazing journey, but let's face it, pregnancy is not fun and it really gets hard during the last month. In fact I find my attitude turning from "I can't wait to meet my baby" to "I can't wait until I'm not pregnant anymore!" I know it will all be worth it in the end, but when you're in constant discomfort, it's sometimes hard to remember why you're going through what you are.
On a more positive note, I did start having some contractions yesterday afternoon (I think). It's hard to determine what a contraction feels like when you've never experienced them before, but I think I was having them. Over the course of the last few days I've been having some pretty bad back pain along with some cramping that feels like period cramps. I didn't think the cramps were contractions, until yesterday. I could feel a cramp coming on and then my stomach would feel a bit tighter and then it would ease up after a minute or so. I think the contractions (if that's what they were) were so weak, that it was hard for me to determine for sure that's what was going on. I had several of them in a row, a few minutes apart, but then they went away after I drank some water and laid down. I wasn't expecting to be rushing to the hospital last night, but I'm at least hoping for some progress in my dilation when the Dr. checks me tomorrow. Cross your fingers!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Belly/Doggie Seat
Patsy decided she wanted in the picture.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Swine Flu
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
He's Dropping
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Coughing and Pre Term Labor
Anyway, with that aside; I can't believe I will be a mommy in 4 weeks (give or take a few days)!!! That's just an amazing thing to take in. It seems like it was just yesterday that I read the positive sign on the pregnancy test and now my baby is almost here. As miserable as pregnancy is, it has flown by. I think the first trimester goes by fast, because you're usually half way through it before you even realize you're pregnant and the second trimester flies by, because it's so easy. The third trimester is where time begins to slow down a bit. Even then, it seems like I just hit the 28 week mark and now I'm already to 36 weeks. The car seats are in both cars and our hospital bags are packed. I have like 3 outfits packed for Carter even though I know he'll probably only wear one of them, but I couldn't help myself. I think I have everything I will need, but if anyone out there has some advice as to what to bring, please let me know. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Countdown Begins
I did finally purchase a little swing for Carter's sanity and mine. I've been reading "The Happiest Baby On The Block," and according to Dr. Karp "swinging" is a crutial part of the 5 S's that will make your baby happy. I still need to get some kind of noise machine that replicates the mother's womb and I've found a couple stuffed animals that do that, but I just haven't made a decision on which one to get yet.
Other than the last few things I still need to get, I guess I am as prepared for this little guy's arrival as I can be. I even put the carseat in Brett's truck already. I hung a little toy from each of the 2 carseats we have, but after thinking about that for a minute, I may just remove them. I don't think a fresh newborn is going to care anything about his little jitter pal, seeing how he's been in a dark whole for the past 9 months. It might actually upset him.
As far as having fears that I won't be a good mom or Brett won't be a good dad, I don't have any of those. I know I won't do everything perfect and I'll make a lot of mistakes, but that's just part of life. I really feel like Brett is embracing the fact that he's going to be a father and head of the household and is really stepping it up big time. Over the last few months his faith in God has grown stronger than I've ever seen it. For a long time I felt he just went along with what I believed because I had the more dominate personality and he just did what made me happy. Lately he has become so passionate and outspoken about his faith and what he believes in, he puts me to shame. He even bought an Ann Coulter book and loves sounding off about it and politics. I thought I was pretty bold about my conservative views, but he's really getting bold about it. But I just say all of this, because I am so impressed that he has chosen to stand strongly for what he believes in and has chosen a path for his family. I have no doubt that he's going to be a great dad.
So here we go. The countdown is on and I couldn't be any more excited about it. I just hope the next 5 weeks fly by rather than drag on.
Monday, October 12, 2009
1 year down, 74 more to go
We had plans to hit up a pumpkin patch on Saturday, so we made our way to Walter Hill, TN (which is just a few minutes from our house) and found the smallest, most pathetic excuse for a pumpkin patch I've ever seen. They had awesome pumpkins though! But they didn't except debit cards and we didn't have cash, so they directed us to where we could find an ATM. We stopped at a little country store and when I say country, I mean COUNTRY! I thought we were in an episode of the Andy Griffith show. We stepped in and there were 2 old men sitting in the corner to the left of the door and there was another old man behind the cash register to the right of the door. We asked them if they had an ATM (I was embarrassed to even ask the question) and the guy says, "a what?!" An ATM, you know the machine that dispenses cash. He then told us to go down to Smokies and they've got one, but wasn't sure if it would have anything in it. So we ventured down to Smokies and sure enough they had an ATM, but there was no money in it. Go figure. Traveling to some of these little towns is like stepping back in to 1945. Not something I'm used to due to growing up in northern Indiana. So needless to say, we didn't get any pumpkins.
So Sunday, we went to church and then we were going ring shopping to buy me a replacement engagement band. My grandfather had sold us the stone for my engagement ring when we got engaged and we bought a band for it here in town. Well the band which was supposed to be white gold, turned yellow a month after we got it and the head didn't fit the stone, so they cut it down and in the process mangled it. Well we didn't have any luck finding a band or a jeweler that wanted to work on my ring, so we went baby shopping instead. We got a swing, pacifiers, bottle nipples, newborn chew toys, and some last minute items that we still needed. As Brett was unloading the stuff out of the cart onto the register, I had to laugh as he grabbed my nursing pads and just stared at them in confusion. He was a little embarrassed once he realized what he had been staring at for several moments. So now I can officially say, "we are set". I think. At this point in time I can not imagine anything else that we "need" for this baby. If he comes tonight, I am completely prepared for his arrival. I even have his diaper bag packed. So I will sit back and impatiently wait for his arrival in 6 weeks, give or take a day or two.
Anyway, we ended our night with a nice dinner at Red Lobster. My parents loaded us up with gift cards to Red Lobster, PF Changs, and Cold Stone, but we chose Red Lobster for dinner last night, because it was the closest to us. It was very nice. We also ate some of our cake top from the wedding earlier in the afternoon and I must say, it was better the first time around. I can't quite describe the flavor of a year old, frozen cake, but 'plastic' would probably be the best label for it. So here's to 1 year down and 74 more to go! Cheers!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Is growing more even possible?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
32 weeks
I find it very upsetting that when I drop something on the floor I can't really bend down and get it anymore. I pretty much have to sit on the floor or put one knee down in order to get low enough to scoop something up. Pathetic, I know. As we speak there is some trash on the floor under my desk that missed the trash can that I haven't bothered to maneuver myself down to pick up yet. Don't judge.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I Think Someone's A Little Excited
- Crib
- Mattress
- Pooh and all his stuffed animal friends
- A Harley Davidson wardrobe
- A MTSU outfit
- A John Deere outfit and socks
- A Loveless Cafe outfit
- Some diapers
- Diaper Genie
- 4 wheeler
- Changing table pad & cover
- Health and Grooming Kit
- Christmas PJs (purchased but still a secret)
- 2 Christmas outfits
- Socks that will go with the Christmas outfits
- Really adorable blanket
And I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out, but that's all that my little brain can remember for right now. The gifts are starting to become more frequent and I think that's my mom's way of expressing her excitement, which in turn gives me a really warm fuzzy excited feeling. It's not the gifts that I like so much (don't get me wrong, those are nice too), but what really makes me happy is the support I'm getting from my parents. Seeing them so excited really makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I'm really doing the right thing here. I can't say the support from the other side of the family has been the same, which is disappointing, but having my parents pour so much love into this child already makes up for any lack of support on anybody else's part. I thought I was a spoiled child, but I have a feeling Carter is going to be waaaaaaaay more spoiled than I ever thought about being. Nana Clark says she has even gotten him a Christmas present already!! Man, she's way ahead of me. By the way, what do you get a newborn for Christmas? He'll be roughly a month old by then.'s tough to keep telling myself we have 8 more weeks, buuuuuut...WE HAVE 8 MORE WEEKS PEOPLE!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
31 1/2 down, 8 1/2 to go.
On a more positive note, I've gone from seeing my Dr. once a month to every two weeks, which in my mind will only make the time fly by faster. I also met with a Peditrician yesterday and really liked how thoughtful him and his staff were. I was 45 mins early to my consultation and they brought me back into a room to see me early because they didn't want me sitting in the waiting room with a bunch of sick kids. How many times does that happen? Usually you get to see the Dr. after your appointment time and never before. I liked him a lot and he said he would be flexible about how I wanted my child treated with such things as vaccines. If I wanted to do a different vaccine schedule, he's okay with that.
Oh and my plan of inducing on a Saturday morning got shot down, because the hospital won't induce on the weekends. So I asked about the Friday after Thanksgiving and they said no to that as well, because they still consider that the holiday. So I am planning on going to this local Italian restaurant on Friday Nov. 27 and having all I can eat of the Eggplant Parmesan that is known to make women go into labor. That is if I haven't already gone into labor by that point. I had being so out of control!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Free Books From Dolly
So I would definitely recommend anyone with a child under 5 or those expecting mommas to check this website out. I don't know how vast this program is and seeing how I live in Dolly's home state, I may have just gotten lucky...but it's worth a shot!! You don't even have to give your phone number. That's 12 books a year you don't have to pay for yourself.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Distracting myself from the heartburn.
But now I feel like someone slammed me into a brick wall. It's funny I feel that way considering I didn't join the people that went out partying until 2 a.m. Maybe it's the fact that I got up at 5:30, but I usually get up before 6 anyway, so that shouldn't matter. It has also been a constant down pour for the last couple of days, so maybe that's making me feel bad. Or it could be the ever growing human that is taking up so much room in my belly. Does it sound weird when I say it like that? Yeah...that's what I thought. Anyway...if I can just make it through the next couple of months without getting the swine flu or something, I'll be extremely happy.
On a really positive note...lately, every person that I have told I'm 7 months pregnant to, has told me "wow, you really don't look that big at all!" Thank you, you just made my year, but you don't have to lie to me. No, seriously, at least 3 people said that to me at the forum and I couldn't believe it. I wanted to ask them how many pregnant ladies they've been hanging around because I've already gained 30 lbs and I'm not done yet!! But I'll take the compliment anyway. It makes up for my husband making me feel like a whale. It's not his fault, he's just not good at lying. Anyway, that's enough of my rambling for today. I'll finish with a few questions because I like comments.
To the pregnant ladies out there or moms with babies or toddlers...
What is/was your worst pregnancy symptom and how did you deal with it?
I'd have to say mine is the heartburn. If I have an esophagus left after this, I'll be surprised.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I Was Right
On a positive note, I went through my child birthing class this weekend and got lots of great information. The best little piece of info. I was given, was that my hospital will induce women at their request as soon as they hit 39 weeks!! Of course this is great, because I am obsessed with having everything planned. But I have pretty much decided to not induce until the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving (that's if the kid hasn't showed up on his own already, because my due date is Tuesday, the 24th). This would mean we had to check in Friday night and spend the night before they started to induce me the following morning. One thing that does bother me is that once you have the baby, they want to keep you another 48 hrs on top of it. 48 hours!! I'm going to try my hardest to get myself out of that one. This would mean spending at least 3 nights in a hospital bed and I'm not digging on that. But I'm just really excited about everything now. I know it's over two months away, but I'm hoping the time will fly by.
Until then...I'll be inpatiently waiting.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Belly Itch
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Getting Closer
September also means it is officially fall in my mind and if you don't agree, that's okay because Starbucks does and they have started carrying their Pumpkin Spice Latte once again. I had my first one of the season yesterday and it was thoroughly enjoyable. But it's not an everyday thing, because they sure do pack in the calories in a single cup of that stuff. I have also started setting up a few fall decorations around the inside and outside of my house and plan on going nuts with it this year. Thank goodness for Old Time Pottery and their super cheap decorations! If you don't have one of these stores in your hometown, I'm very sorry because it is second only to Heaven. It's a HUGE warehouse packed full of every home decor item you could ever imagine and for super super cheap. They also have really cheap dishes and cookware and I love it! For instance I bought a really nice white serving dish (perfect for big meals) for like $3. Awesome! So you can only imagine the great fall decorations they have to offer.
But most of all, September means our baby will be here in just over 2 months!! I can not wait! Not only because my back hurts and tummy itches more and more with every inch it gets stretched out, but I can't wait to hold the little guy for the first time. I just can't even imagine how that's going to feel. Also my due date couldn't be set at a better time, because that means my 6 weeks of maternity leave will cover the entire holiday season! Sweeeeeeeeet! I don't think I've had 6 weeks off work since I started working at the age of 15....crazy I know, so I'm really looking forward to it. But I also know babies are a lot of work and the time will surely fly by without feeling like much of a break.
Today I'm going for my 29 week checkup and I will now start seeing the Dr. every 2 weeks. I'm excited about this, because I think it will make the time fly by, but it'll be hard on my work schedule. They never seem to have early morning or late afternoon appointments available and I end up going in the middle of the day. This wouldn't be so bad, except that it has already interrupted 2 truck deliveries for me and Tom has been left finishing up my deals. Thank goodness my boss/dad is very patient with me and my crazy appointments. I can't say the same for Brett's boss. The same guy who barely let Brett off work to go to our first ultrasound is not giving him Saturday off to allow him to go to Lamaze class with me. Yep, that's right, he works for the devil himself. So my mom will be filling in. Now we're trying desparately to make it so Brett is able to take his weeks paid vacation when the baby comes, but his boss won't say yes or no about it. Just that, they need an exact date to make a decision. Ummmm...hello stupid, babies don't come on a precise schedule! Grrr....anyway I didn't mean to get on that subject.
On a lighter note, no stretch marks yet!! I guess the longer my tummy can hold out, the better off I am. I'm not expecting to not get any, just thankful that they haven't showed up yet. **knock on wood** Maybe it's luck or maybe the belly butter is actually working. Who knows?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Something Similar To Fat Man In A Little Coat

Friday, September 4, 2009
Persistance Pays Off
So now Carter can play in our backyard (once he's actually born) and we don't have to worry about the neighbors screaming and cussing all the time. Praise Jesus for that one!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
C.J.'s Nursery
Sorry about the very monotone voice (which is not far from normal); it was a long day, my tummy was sore and I was tired. But here is your first look at the almost complete nursery. Enjoy!
Belly Weeks 25 - 28
26 Weeks27 Weeks
28 Weeks
Monday, August 31, 2009
Baby Stuff
Thank goodness my parents bought us the crib and mattress and my grandma Phyl bought us the glider/rocker!!!
So tonight I will go home and make Brett some quick spaghetti with jar sauce instead of homemade and then it's off to the nursery to set up this kid's room the right way. Pictures coming soon!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New Toys

So if you think that's bad, get a load of this. Grandpa bought his yet-to-be-born grandson, Carter, a brand new 4 wheeler!! No, I don't think that's silly because I plan on putting him on it at about age 3. Plus it was only a few hundred dollars, so it was a pretty good deal. I will be sure to post pictures of it as soon as I get some. If it helps build a mental image, no one over 145lbs is supposed to ride on it. I broke that rule once we got it back to my parents' house. My dad told me to "punch it" and I had to remind him that I was "punching it", but I'm also almost 7 months pregnant and over the weight limit. All I have to say is, this little boy is already spoiled rotten and he's not even here yet. Geez....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Baby Shower

We also played the Ultrasound game. This is where you pass around various ultrasound pictures and try to identify what body part is in the image. I ended up getting 10 out of 12 correct and won the game. I was pretty surprised, because some of the images are really hard to tell what they are. But they looked a lot like the ones I have of Carter, so I had an advantage I think. We then played a baby trivia game, which I didn't participate a whole lot in because Brett's mom was standing right next to me with the answer cards where I could see them and I thought it would be unfair of me to answer many of the questions. Natalie won that game, of course. She has an 18 month old afterall. Did you know the average newborn goes through 7,500 diapers in the first year? Crazy!!!
Then after the games were done, it was on to gifts. Just so you know, I didn't read the card out loud. Instead I said who the gift was from and then passed them around for everyone to see. I got some cute stuff and now I have to better organize Carter's closet to fit everything. This boy has enough clothes to last him a year without ever wearing anything twice. And he has 3 of the same exact ND outfit with slight differences. I bought him a 3-6 mos size of the outfit, Sarah (Brett's sister) gave us the same one that was 6-9mos and then our great friends Gary and Kasey gave us the same outfit but in Blue and Green instead of Blue and Gold like we already had. Needless to say, Brett is thrilled!! He can't wait to dress his little guy up and turn him into a Domer. Anyway, here are some pics from the gift opening.
And this one is for my grandma. What's better than pregnant ladies and tomato plants?
Monday, August 24, 2009
What A Day!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This is Starting to Hurt
Anywho...I took my glucose tolerance test last week and passed it with flying colors! Score! Now I don't have to go back for the 3 hours test. I also asked my doctor about her thoughts on epidurals and she made it pretty obvious to me that she was a fan. She had one with all 3 of her children, so that was re-assuring to know. She also mentioned the words "larger tearing" with natural births and I just knew what I was going to do. I'll go as far along as possible naturally, but when it comes to the point that I'm nearly passing out from pain, I'll be getting myself an epidural.
My baby shower is this Saturday and I'm really looking forward to it. Some of my neighbor ladies and other friends of mine will be there, so it should be lots of fun. I'm just nervous about the whole idea of sitting in front of everyone and opening presents. How awkward. My question to the ladies that have been through baby showers before is, do I have to read each and every card out loud?
Okay, well I know this blog is pretty boring, but that's my life lately. The most entertainment I've had in a while is from reading the book "Twilight". I'm sure you've all heard of the movie. I saw the movie and liked it so much that I decided to read the 500 page book. If you know anything about me, you know that I'm not a reader, but this book is excellent! I'm about 250 pages in and it hasn't gotten boring yet. I'm definitely going to read the other 3 books and I recommend you read them too. Anyway, I'll catch ya later! Have a good one.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Why I like the Irish
Second, once September rolls around that means it's fall and November 24 will be right around the corner. I don't think I have ever wanted a summer to go by so fast as I have this summer. I can not wait for a little cooler weather and for this baby boy to show his face. When I mention the fact that the ND football season will probably be over by the time our baby arrives, Brett gets upset because I'm cutting out their chances at a bowl game.
Like previously stated in another blog, I purchased a really cute ND creeper set for Carter and I can't wait to dress him in it. As cute as I think that will be, I just hope Brett's family doesn't drown my child in ND apparel. An outfit or two is okay, but they will be sadly disappointed if they buy him loads and loads of ND stuff, because he won't be wearing it. How do you tell your in-laws to refrain from waisting there money on tons of ND clothing? I'll make Brett do it! But I won't feel too bad if they buy it and I don't dress him in it all the time, because when Natalie (my sis-in-law) had her baby boy, her family drowned him in ND stuff and I don't think I ever saw him wear a single outfit. Natalie and her husband Craig aren't big fans of ND either and probably found it unneccessary to dress Leland in all the apparel.
Anyway, I know it doesn't sound like it, but I really am looking forward to the football season. Last year was a blast because we watched every game with our apartment neighbors, Gary and Kasey, while munching down on some pretty tasty treats that Kasey and I would whip up. We have a bigger TV this year and a cool bonus room, so I'm hoping they'll come back to watch with us again this year. I just wish some of our new neighbors were into ND football so Brett had a guy to watch it with all the time. Anyway I'll wrap this up by saying, Let's Go Irish!!!! I don't like my husband's attitude when you lose, so please win every game!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Baby Wanted
Monday, August 3, 2009
Car for sale
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wow, my neck doesn't hurt anymore!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
23 weeks.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The News Clip
Okay this is the best I can do. I'm media challenged and don't know how to get the actual video on here, so here is the link to watch it. Enjoy.
We're Semi-Famous
But here is how everything went down. The reporter and camera man showed up at our house and then we went in the backyard to do the interview. As we were getting ready to shoot it, all of our friendly neighbors showed up to watch. They wired me up with a mic and we were ready to start being interviewed. I started the interview and Brett interjected here and there. I think they talked to us for about 15 minutes or so. Then they wrapped it up and just wanted to get a few more shots around the yard and of my belly. Yes, that's right, they put the camera on the tri-pod and shot a video of my belly. Too bad no on told me I had a huge piece of lint on my black shirt! Or that I was slouching during the interview.
Anyway, as they were wrapping things up our crazy neighbor lady started screaming and cussing about us being perverts and we need to put the camera away before she calls the cops. I was thinking to myself, "Go ahead and call them, I'd love to put this on record in case you nutcases try to pull anything." Then the reporter said he was going to go over to their house and try to get their side of the story. I just told him, "If you think that lady was friendly, just wait until you meet her husband." And I rolled my eyes. When it was all said and done and we were through talking to all of our lovely neighbors, we went inside to get some dinner. As I was passing the front window I noticed a police car sitting out front. Yep, they really did call the cops. Which I had no problem with at all, seeing as we didn't do anything wrong.
The cop asked us what was going on and we explained to him the mess. He even said his grandparents live down the street and they knew there was a goat in the neighborhood, because they could hear it at night. Then he told us that our neighbors are seeking a lawyer to sue us for harassment. I almost had to stop myself from laughing at that point. But gets better. Then he proceeded to explain that they were calling us peeping Toms and that we stare out our windows all the time at their children. Are you kidding me?! Brett works about 12 hours everyday and I work 9, so when do we have time to stare at their children. They told the cop that we know their children's behavior patterns and all this and that. Seriously, could you people get any crazier? Nope, I don't think so.
Anyway, I was completely disappointed in the news story, because it didn't convey the message I was trying to get across. It basically made us just look like we were complaining about the wild animals for the sake of complaining. They cut out the part of me explaining how the goat charged through our fence, destroyed part of my garden, and destroyed other things in our yard. Nope, we just looked like complainers. But now my next step is to find out who the property owner is and try to get these people evicted. Having a rental property in the neighborhood already hurts property values, but when you have people like this renting a house, it hurts them even more. I am committed to having the animals or even the people kicked out of the neighborhood and I won't stop until it gets done.
I hope these idiots do try and sue us, because then I won't feel bad about counter-suing for defamation of character and property damage. Fools!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 that's impressive
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
My Little Monster
Then last night as we were both laying in bed, he started to kick again. This time it was even harder and it actually moved our hands a little bit when he did it. Weighing in at only about 1 lb., I'm actually surprised he can kick that hard. This could mean great things like he'll have a really heavy foot for NASCAR racing like my dad hopes or it could mean that he's already got way too much Clark obnoxious blood in him. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I do know one thing though, if his daddy has his way this boy will grow up to be an avid Notre Dame football fan. So as a little surprise to Brett last night, I made him close his eyes while I laid something out on the kitchen table. When he opened them back up there was a little 3 piece Adidas Notre Dame creeper set. It came with a Onesie that was made out of the Jersey material, a bib, and booties. Now, I'm no big ND fan myself (and even less of one after their recent graduation ceremony), but I know Brett loves their football team and I just knew that would put a smile on his face. I was right! He can't wait to prop his little buddy next to him on the couch and kick back and have a couple bottles and watch the game. Like I've said many times before, November can't get here fast enough!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Update on the Goat People
The Codes guy I talked to on Saturday sounded very hopeful about getting something done, but the guy I talked to this morning seemed more like a straight from the book kind of guy. He wasn't really sure there was anything in the "books" about people having wild animals. But the Vice Mayor said he would check to see if there was an ordinance against people owning wild animals within city limits and if there wasn't, he was going to try and write up an ordinance against it.
Now I'm wishing Brett wouldn't have straightened out the chicken wire around my garden or screwed the fence back together. But at least they'll still see the board that is broken in half.
So we'll see what happens after a little while. I'm prepared to take on any retaliation from my neighbors if they get their animals taken away. Would it be too much to sit on my back deck with my shotgun in my lap? Just asking...